
Hot and cold high pressure washers, high pressure sanitation systems, tankless water heaters, rotary surface cleaners, steam generators, barrel and tank cleaning systems, water-driven floor cleaning tools.
Archon Industries
Archon manufactures washdown equipment including hot and cold water mixing stations, hose reels, spray nozzles and washdown hose. We also stock manways, brew hose and all brewery and winery related equipment.
ARS/SWASH Sanitizing Equipment
Wide range of products for cleaning, sanitizing and sterilizing equipment and the winery facility. We also offer barrel room humidification equipment. Repair and maintenance services for all brands throughout CA.
Astro Pak
Astro Pak is the leading provider of high purity, precision cleaning services for process piping, equipment and tanks to the food and beverage industry. We service a wide range of clients from small to Fortune 100 companies that include customer food manufactures, wineries, water bottling plants, poultry, meat and vegetable canneries.
ClearBlu Environmental
Complete wastewater treatment systems including solids separation, pH balancing, pond/tank aeration, bacterial treatments, chemical free algae control, package systems, preventive maintenance service agreements and pond monitoring.
Complete Welders Supply
Gases and equipment for wine production, safety equipment and supplies, CDPR registered SO2, dry ice, custom fabrication, wine hose and repair. Food grade gases: compressed, liquid or bulk. Nitrogen, argon, carbon dioxide. UHP gases for labs.
Continental food processing hoses have built-in Microban® antibacterial technology providing permanent antimicrobial product protection. Keeps hoses cleaner and prevents hose deterioration from damaging bacteria, mold and mildew.
Crush2Cellar is the one-stop-shop for the wine industry. Located in the heart of the Willamette Valley, we offer fermentation products, filtration and filter media, equipment, tanks, parts and more.
Electro-Steam Generator Corp.
All-electric steam generators/cleaners. ASME code certified as required by law. Sterilize bottling lines, melt tartrates, rejuvenate barrels, general cleaning. Portable or stationary. 98% efficient. Custom electrical configurations available.
Scharfenberger Europress grape press, destemmers, incline belts,sorting tables,stainless steel tanks,Kiesel pumps and mixers, Hans Dampf steamers, Romfil crossflow filter, TDD Grilliat disgorgers, Petitdemange Riddling Machines, Stevial bottle washer
Affordable. Efficient. Production. Flextank advanced oxygen-permeable tanks are the leading craft beverage fermentation and storage solutions available worldwide. These operations rely on Flextank for efficient, controllable, sustainable production.
Fluid Gauge Co.
Stocking Distributor of Industrial, Sanitary & Process Piping Products
Hotsy of Southern California
Hotsy of Southern CA provides cleaning and sanitizing solutions specifically for the food and beverage industry. We design a system that solves your cleaning and sanitizing challenges. We sell solutions for equipment, service, and cleaning agents.
Hume Process Technology
Seller of High Performance Tank Cleaning Equipment and Flow Measurement Instrumentation Manufacturer of Portable Flow Meters and Batch Controllers
Krones, Inc.
Krones develops and manufactures world-class filling, labeling and packaging systems for the wine and beverage industry. Full service integration encompasses engineering, manufacturing, equipment installation and 24/7 Lifecycle Service support.
MG Newell Corp.
Sanitary wine supplier of tanks, pumps, valves, fillers, hoses, filters, customized fabrications and pump carts, as well as winery installation services.
McBrady Engineering, Inc.
For 40+ years, McBrady Engineering has specialized in manufacturing of container cleaning equipment. The Orbit cleaner/sparger is automated, simple to operate and built to last.
McClain Ozone, Inc.
Introducing the first Mobile Ozone Sanitation Systems, McClain Ozone pioneered the use of ozone as a natural sanitizer in the California wine industry.
Meras Water Solutions
Water Treatment, Sanitizers, Cleaners, Water Softeners, Reverse Osmosis, Cooling Towers, Boilers, Hot Water Heaters, Glycol Loops, Chemicals, Wastewater
Steam boilers for wineries for sterilization.
Niagara Systems, LLC
Wine bottle sanitizing and label stripping machinery.
NorthBay Equipment Service & Sales
Complete line of Industrial cleaning equipment, in house and in field service, parts and accessories including Hot & Cold Pressure Washers, Steam Generators and Cleaners, Tank & Barrel Cleaning Devices and Floor Care and rentals.
O'Connell Jetting Systems
Sales, service and rentals of hot and cold pressure washers, wash water recycling systems, waste evaporators, parts washers, stationary and portable generators, water blasters. High pressure equipment and accessories up to 40K.
Parker Hannifin
Nitrogen gas generators produce high purity N2 from compressed air. Perfect for all winery nitrogen needs, including bottling, sparging, blanketing, flushing. Producing N2 in-house eliminates dependence on vendors and reduces winery operating costs.
Paul Mueller Company
Paul Mueller Company designs, manufactures, delivers and installs handcrafted, American-made stainless steel wine tanks and barrels. For all your storage and processing needs turn to the ease and art of Paul Mueller Company artisan wine equipment.
Pick Heaters, Inc.
Pick Heaters manufactures direct steam injection liquid heating systems.
Piper Environmental Group, Inc.
Design, build, integrate ozone systems for wineries. Ozone reduces contamination by disinfecting water, sanitizing equipment and by oxidizing organic and inorganic compounds.
Premier Power Cleaner Corp.
Harvest container wash station. We have developed two versions of a washing station for picking buckets & totes. One uses local water pressure to rinse the containers interior with a rotating nozzle. With a 12 or 115 volt pump wash water can be recycled from a collection system. The second, more powerful system, connects with either a hot or cold pressure washer, our primary business, for quick and complete cleaning of dried on grape skins and juice. The combination of a high pressure rotating nozzle and water containment produce quick and thorough cleaning. Both feature a hand held spray gun for cleaning the exterior of containers. If you are harvesting in 5 gallon pails these stations efficiently clean 3 to 4 buckets (or 1 to 2 totes) per minute for reuse without contamination.
Process Engineers, Inc.
Process Engineers Inc. (PEI) provides specialty stainless steel products and custom engineered process systems to the wine, beer, food and beverage industries.
R&S Supply Co., Inc.
R&S Supply Co., Inc. is the largest importer in the USA of high quality Tassalini sanitary valves. We recently added a line of IBC totes and accessories that are in stock at our Napa Valley Warehouse, along with sanitary valves & fittings.
RF MacDonald Co.
Sales and service of pumps, boilers and heat exchangers for many winery applications. Applications include pumping must, whole clusters, pomace, racking and bottling. Boilers for use in plant washdown, barrel cleaning operations and heating glycol.
Rutherford Equipment Rental
Production equipment rentals for commercial wineries, breweries, and beverage producers in Northern California. Rentals include tanks, filtration, bottling, and cellar sanitation. Equipment brokerage and valuation services are also available.
Custom built progressive cavity pumps made in accordance to FDA guidelines and 3A standards, OEM parts, and service for applications including must handling, transfer, chemical metering, waste disposal and wastewater and water treatment.
Spec Trellising
Supplier of high quality vineyard and winery products, including tanks, filters, steam generators, fillers, trellis posts and wire, harvest bins, vineyard clips, pruners, bird netting, etc.
Spraying Systems Co.
Wide range of products to clean barrels, vats and tanks with diameters up to 100'. The TankJet M60 mobile barrel cleaner is a new unit designed to simplify and accelerate barrel cleaning without compromising cleaning effectiveness.
Tom Beard Company
TBC builds unique barrel and bin washing machines, as well as recycling retrofits that can save 50% water use. Products include: Washer/Steamer machines, Cabinet Washers, Bin & Lug Washing Machines, Barrel Process Systems and annual service programs.
Total Industries (frmly Toyota Material Handling Northern California)
Toyota forklifts, Taylor-Dunn electric vehicles. Yamaha golf cars, American Lincoln sweeper/scrubbers, racking, shelving, trailer and forkift operator training.
Water Tools Tech
Field service specialist with experience in laser technology, electronic monitoring, research grade equipment management, food grade sanitation machinery and customer interaction. Winery sanitation repair service.




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