Temporary Staffing

Alkar Human Resources
Since 1985, Alkar has successfully provided temporary employees and full-time candidates in professional, clerical, light industrial and winery positions for Napa, Sonoma and Solano county businesses. WOB certified/WRC certified.
Bolt Staffing Service
We are experts at staffing the wine industry, temp or full time. Family owned and operated since 1998. A Sonoma County Green Business award winner.
HR Partners US
HR Partners US is a Recruitment and Human resources consulting boutique based in NYS. The company manages recruitments - all functions - on a retainer basis, does searches in all US, Canada and Western European markets.
Mas Labor H-2A AgWorks
Capable, reliable, legal labor for the viticulture industry through the H-2A visa program. MasLabor has announced a merger with AgWorks H2, LLC (“AgWorks�) a Georgia–based H–2A and H–2B consulting firm that ranks among the nation’s top providers.
Nelson & Associates - Financial Recruiting & Consulting
Specializing in the Wine Industry, we help CFO's and Controllers build their teams.
Nelson Staffing
Nelson is the largest independently owned, full-service staffing firm in Northern California. With 40 years of experience, we are experts dedicated to providing exceptional service.
Robert Half International
We understand the importance of employee happiness. Higher employee engagement leads to greater productivity, and workers who feel valued are motivated to make real, tangible contributions to their companies. See how we are building a happier workplace, one job at a time.
Star Staffing
Direct hire, temp, temp to hire, payroll & special project services for nearly all wine industry, light industrial and administrative positions.
The Bracero Group
Welcome to The Bracero Group - Specialists in securing H-2A workers. We specialize in managing H-2A program applications for row crop farmers, open range ranchers, nurseries, orchards, vineyard owners, etc. to legally secure agricultural workers. - Outside The Lines
The job board for the wine & hospitality industry.




Tasting Rooms

Winery Equipment

Winery Services

Winery Supplies


Associations & Education

Facilities & Construction

Finance, Legal & Admin Svcs


Safety & Maintenance

Sales & Marketing

Technology & Industry Data

Warehousing / Shipping