Sanitary strainers by GW Kent
GW Kent released new sanitary strainers that fit 2" tri-clamps and come in various configurations. The company reports the strainers offer a large surface area and provide high flow rates with minimal pressure drop. READ MORE
New fungicide by Summit Agro
Summit Agro announced it's adding the Ranman 400SC fungicide to its portfolio of products. The fungicide's active ingredient is Cyazofamid and according to Summit Agro the product is an ideal candidate for disease resistance management. READ MORE
Automated compliance by WineDirect
WineDirect announced the launch of WineDirect Compliance a new component of the company's wine business technology suite. The new service connects the compliance management directly to the Vin65 commerce platform to streamline order workflow. READ MORE
Mc Mag 3000 flow meter by McCrometer
The heavy-duty Mc Mag 3000 flow meter is designed for "dirty water" applications such as surface water and wastewater ponds. The electromagnetic sensor measures in multiple locations to deliver results within 1% accuracy. READ MORE
Multi-channel data logger by TandD
The new MCR-4TC data logger by TandD provides four channels of temperature monitoring and logging. Up to four units can be linked to provide 16 channels of monitoring. READ MORE
Natural fruit fly killer
The start-up company Aunt Fannie claims to have raised $500,000 in seed money to develop what it's touting as a natural pesticide to quickly attract and kill fruit flies. The company's FlyPunch! is a 3.4 ounce pouch filled with a proprietary liquid "made from natural concentrates with no poisonous ingredients" that attracts and kills fruit flies quickly. READ MORE