2009 Suppliers Guide
Start your search here for companies that provide equipment, supplies and services to fill your current needs in the vineyard, winery, tasting room or office. Look up purveyors in the categories below, then find individual supplier offerings arranged alphabetically by company name.
Search by Alpha
Alain Fouquet French Cooperage
Artisan Barrels
The Barrel Mill/Oak Infusion Spiral
Barrels Unlimited Inc.
The Belli Corp., dba Westec Tank &
T. W. Boswell
Canton Cooperage
Cooperages 1912
Criveller Co.
Fogmaster Corp.
Innerstave LLC
Kelvin Cooperage
G. W. Kent Inc.
Mel Knox Barrel Broker
Mistral Barrels Inc.
Nadalie USA
O. C. Inc.
Oak Solutions Group—¯evOAK
Oak Solutions Group—tr¯u/tan
Oak Tradition
Premier Wine Cask Inc.
(Division of Tonnellerie Radoux)
Quality Stainless Tanks
The Ranch Winery
Raynox 2000 Inc.
ReCoop Inc.
Sanitary Stainless Welding Inc.
Santa Rosa Stainless Steel
Saury USA
Skolnik Industries Inc.
Spokane Industries
Stave Worldwide LLC
Toasted Oak Co.
Tonelería Magreñán
Tonelería Quercus
Tonnellerie de Jarnac
Tonnellerie Garonnaise
Tonnellerie Leroi
Tonnellerie Ô
Tonnellerie Quintessence
Tonnellerie Radoux USA Inc.
Tonnellerie Remond
Tonnellerie Sirugue
VinOak USA
World Cooperage
Advanced Labels N.W.
All American Containers
Barrel Builders Inc.
E. Beaver & Co.
Bravo Bottling
Britton Design
CF Napa Brand Design
CMG—Carla Mota Gonçalves Lda.
Caliber WinePak
Carolina Wine Supply
Castoro Bottling Co.
Cork Supply USA
Demptos Glass
Elite Label
Encore Glass
Enocapsule Inc.
Fort Dearborn Co.
FreeRun Winery Services
Gabriel Cork America Inc.
Ganau America
Gino Pinto Inc.
Global Package LLC
Janson Capsules Inc.
Juvenal Cork
Keyes Packaging
Krueger Winery Technology LLC
Label Solutions
Lafitte Cork & Capsule
Landmark Label Manufacturing Inc.
MALA Closure Systems
Maverick Enterprises Inc.
McDowell Label & Screen Printing
Metro Label California Ltd.
Monvera Glass Décor
Napa Wooden Box Co.
Neocork Technologies
NewPak USA
Nomacorc LLC
PakSource Inc.
Phoenix Packaging
Plumbline Studios Inc.
Polypack Inc.
Primera Technology
The Ranch Winery
Rivercap USA
Saint-Gobain Containers
M. A. Silva Corks U.S.A.
Sparflex California
Technicote Inc.
Vitro Packaging LLC
Waterloo Container
Wiederkehr Wine Cellars Inc.
Arton Glassware & Ceramic
Baltimore Glassware Decorators
Chill-n-Go Inc.
Elypsis Inc.
Franmara Inc.
The Globe Imports Inc.
Kardwell International Inc.
Magnuson Industries Inc.
Michaan’s Auctions
Olde Tradition Spice Inc.
TopNest Designs
Valley Architects LLP
VinNOW by Update Software
The Vinum Corp.
Wine Appreciation Guild
WineWare Software Corp.
WineWeb Enterprises Inc.
Words on Wine
ARS/Pressure Washer Co.
Above Scale Co.
Accurate Forklift Inc.
Aftek Inc.
American Tartaric Products Inc.
Artisan Barrels
Atago U.S.A. Inc.
Atlantic Welding
Barrel Builders Inc.
Bartolomei Scale Co.
The Belli Corp. dba Westec Tank &
Paul Blatt Enterprises Inc.
Boerger LLC
BrandTech Scientific Inc.
Branson Tractors
Canton Cooperage
Carlsen & Associates
Carolina Wine Supply
ColloPack Solutions LLC
Complete Welders Supply
Coquard Presses
Criveller Co.
Cryotech International Inc.
Della Toffola USA Ltd.
Electro Steam Generator Corp.
Euro-Machines Inc.
FMC Technologies Inc.
Fogmaster Corp.
FOSS North America
G & D Chillers Inc.
Gamajet Cleaning Systems Inc.
Gino Pinto Inc.
Gorman-Rupp Co.
Gould Stainless Products Ltd.
Gusmer Enterprises Inc.
H & W Equipment
Hankin Specialty Equipment &
Elevators Inc.
Hanna Instruments
Heyes Filters Inc.
HYPAC Pty. Ltd.
Inoxpa USA Inc.
Insect-O-Cutor Insect Light Traps
JALT Technologies
KLR Machines
G. W. Kent Inc.
Key Technology Inc.
Krueger Winery Technology LLC
M & M Wine Grape Co.
Magnuson Industries Inc.
Mazzei Injector Co. LLC
Mennekes Electrical Products
Metrohm USA Inc.
MoreWine! Professional
Moyno Inc.
Paul Mueller Co.
Oceans of Wine Supply
Optek-Danulat Inc.
P & L Specialties
Pacific Winemaking LLC
Pall Food & Beverage
Pickering Winery Supply
Presque Isle Wine Cellars
R & D Glass Products & Equipment
RLS Equipment Co. Inc.
Raynox 2000 Inc.
Recycling Wastewater Inc.
Reimers Electra Steam Inc.
Sanitary Stainless Welding Inc.
Santa Rosa Stainless Steel
Scholle Packaging
Seepex Inc.
Separators Inc.
Siemens Water Technologies
Sierra Manufacturing Inc.
Smith & Loveless Inc.
Spectrum Technologies Inc.
Spokane Industries
Stave Worldwide LLC
Tapp Technologies Inc.
Transition Equipment Co.
VA Filtration USA
Valley Architects LLP
Valley Pipe & Supply Inc.
Vance Metal Fabricators Inc.
Vibrac LLC
WSI International LLC
West Chester Holdings Inc.
Western Square Industries Inc.
A. O. Wilson Ltd.
Wine Technology America
YSI Inc.
Yuba City Steel Products Co.
American Tartaric Products Inc.
Ramsey Aswad Co. LLC
BevTrac Mobile Quality Systems
T. W. Boswell
Bravo Bottling
Brown-Miller Communications Inc.
Carlsen & Associates
Ray Carlson & Assoc.
Castoro Bottling Co.
F. Colavita & Son
Compli Inc.
ConeTech Inc.
Cooperages 1912
Cork Supply USA
Della Toffola USA Ltd.
ETS Laboratories
Elutriate Systems
Elypsis Inc.
Enerfab Inc
Fior di Sole—Premium Bulk Wines
FreeRun Winery Services
Government Liaison Services Inc.
Gusmer Enterprises Inc.
Heyes Filters Inc.
Hill & Associates
Innerstave LLC
Jacobs Associates
Judd’s Hill MicroCrush
Kendall Farms LLC
LabelOne Connect Inc.
Michaan’s Auctions
Napa Barrel Care
National Filter Media
Oak Solutions Group—¯evOAK
Oak Solutions Group—tr¯u/tan
Oceans of Wine Supply
The Olive Grove Nursery
P & L Specialties
The Personnel Perspective LLC
Pickering Winery Supply
Plumbline Studios Inc.
The Ranch Winery
Rivercap USA
Scheid Vineyards Inc.
Sierra Manufacturing Inc
Tonnellerie Quintessence
Top It Off Bottling LLC
Valley Architects LLP
VinNOW by Update Software
Vinotec Napa
Vinovation Inc.
Vinquiry Inc.
Wiederkehr Wine Cellars Inc.
Wine Pro International Recruiters
Winemaking Consultant
WineWeb Enterprises Inc.
Wirth Business Credit
Words on Wine
World Cooperage
Advantage Bundling SP LLC
Aftek Inc.
All American Containers
American Colloid Co.
American Star Cork Co.
American Tartaric Products Inc.
Arton Glassware & Ceramic
ArtonBay Etching & Imprinting
Atago U.S.A. Inc.
Atlantic Welding
Baltimore Glassware Decorators
Barrel Builders Inc.
The Barrel Mill/Oak Infusion Spiral
Barrels Unlimited Inc.
Beverage Supply Group
Paul Blatt Enterprises Inc.
Boelter Beverage Group
T. W. Boswell
Bravo Bottling
Brick Packaging
Carlsen & Associates
Carolina Wine Supply
Chris Chaney Creations
Charm Sciences Inc.
Cipriani Harrison Valves Corp.
Complete Welders Supply
ConeTech Inc.
Cooperages 1912
Cork Supply USA
CUNO, a 3M company
Della Toffola USA Ltd.
Enocapsule Inc.
Franmara Inc.
Gino Pinto Inc.
Global Package LLC
Gould Stainless Products Ltd.
Graver Technologies
Gusmer Enterprises Inc.
Heyes Filters Inc.
Highland Specialty Co.
Innerstave LLC
JALT Technologies
Jim’s Supply Co. Inc.
Juvenal Cork
Kendall Farms LLC
G. W. Kent Inc.
Krueger Winery Technology LLC
Kuriyama of America Inc.
Laffort USA
Lafitte Cork & Capsule
M & M Wine Grape Co.
MALA Closure Systems
Michaan’s Auctions
MoreWine! Professional
Motion Industries
Neocork Technologies
NewPak USA
Nova Winegrape Brokers
NuKorc Inc.
Oak Solutions Group—¯evOAK
Oak Solutions Group—tr¯u/tan
Oceans of Wine Supply
Oenodev USA Vivelys Group
Olde Tradition Spice Inc.
Pacific Winemaking LLC
Pickering Winery Supply
Presque Isle Wine Cellars
Prestige Graphics
R & D Glass Products & Equipment
R L S Equipment Co. Inc.
Reimers Electra Steam Inc.
Reliable Cork Solutions LLC
Rivercap USA
Saint-Gobain Containers
Sanitary Stainless Welding Inc.
Scholle Packaging
Scott Laboratories
M. A. Silva Corks U.S.A.
Spec Trellising
Titan Rack Co.
Toasted Oak Co.
Toneleria Quercus
Tonnellerie Leroi
Tonnellerie Ô
Tonnellerie Quintessence
Turrentine Brokerage
Unitech Scientific LLC
Valley Pipe & Supply Inc.
Vigneron Specialty Products/XpressFill
VinOak USA
Vinotec Napa
Vinquiry Inc.
The Vinum Corp.
Waterloo Container
A. O. Wilson Ltd.
Wine Technology America
World Cooperage
Wright Labels
YSI Inc.
Above Scale Co.
American Grape Harvesters Inc.
Automata Inc.
BDi Machinery Sales Inc.
Bartolomei Scale Co.
Bird Gard/JWB Marketing
BrandTech Scientific Inc.
Branson Tractors
Dosatron International Inc.
Earth & Turf Products LLC
Euro-Machines Inc.
FOSS North America
Gamajet Cleaning Systems Inc.
Gandy Co.
Gorman-Rupp Co.
Green Hoe Co. Inc.
H & W Equipment
Kasco Marine
Leinbachs Inc.
Magnuson Industries Inc.
Mazzei Injector Co. LLC
Mennekes Electrical Products
Motion Industries
Moyno Inc.
Paul Mueller Co.
New Holland Agriculture
Oenodev USA, Vivelys Group
Orchard Valley Supply Inc.
Rodenator Worldwide
S & H Farm and Vineyard Supplies
Seepex Inc.
Smith & Loveless Inc.
Spectrum Technologies Inc.
Stevenson Supply
Stolzfus Spreaders
Swihart Sales Co.
WSI International LLC
Weed Badger Division
West Chester Holdings Inc.
Western Square Industries Inc.
Agajanian Vineyard
AgCode Inc.
Coldwell Banker Commercial
ETS Laboratories
Eurofins STA Labs
(previously known as STA Labs)
Jim’s Supply Co. Inc.
The Olive Grove Nursery
S & H Farm and Vineyard Supplies
Scheid Vineyards Inc.
Soil & Topography Information LLC
Wirth Business Credit
A & J Vineyard Supply Inc.
Advantage Bundling SP LLC
Ag-Liner Inc Agricultural And
Fencing Supplies
All American Containers
Atago U.S.A. Inc.
BASF Corp.
BF Products Inc.
Charm Sciences Inc.
Davis Viticultural Research
Double A Vineyards Inc.
Grafted Grapevine Nursery LLC
Jim’s Supply Co. Inc.
Kuriyama of America Inc.
Linde Vineyard Supply
MALA Closure Systems
Mori Vines Inc.
Motion Industries
Nomacorc LLC
Orchard Valley Supply Inc.
Reliable Cork Solutions LLC
S & H Farm and Vineyard Supplies
Spec Trellising
Stevenson Supply
Sutton Agricultural Enterprises Inc.
American Vineyard Foundation
Cork Quality Council
Government Liaison Services Inc.
Lake County Winegrape
The Personnel Perspective LLC
Sonoma County Winegrape
UC Davis Wine Executive Program
Alf Burtleson Construction
BrandTech Scientific Inc.
Hall & Bartley
Ledcor Construction Inc.
Matheny Industrial Builders
Paul Mueller Co.
N. A. Water Systems
Nordby Construction Co.
Pacific Winemaking LLC
Recycling Wastewater Inc.
SPG Solar Inc.
Sierra Manufacturing Inc.
Smith & Loveless Inc.
Wallace Group
Carle, Mackie, Power & Ross LLP
Coldwell Banker Commercial
Dumac Leasing (a division of
Exchange Bank)
Government Liaison Services Inc.
Hansel Leasing
Bruce McCann & Associates
The Personnel Perspective LLC
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Winn & Co. Insurance Brokers
Wirth Business Credit
Prestige Graphics
Wine Appreciation Guild
Wine Business Monthly
Wines & Vines
Accurate Forklift Inc.
Advantage Bundling SP LLC
Charm Sciences Inc.
Gamajet Cleaning Systems Inc.
Graver Technologies
Insect-O-Cutor Insect Light Traps
Mennekes Electrical Products
Redback Boots USA
Rodenator Worldwide
Separators Inc.
Stevenson Supply
West Chester Holdings Inc.
Ramsey Aswad Co. LLC
Baltimore Glassware Decorators
Benson Marketing Group LLC
Big Bang Communications
Paul Blatt Enterprises Inc.
Boelter Beverage Group
Brown-Miller Communications Inc.
Burgundy Ink LLC
Calhoun & Co. Communications
Chill-n-Go Inc.
Ciatti Co. LLC
Coldwell Banker Commercial
Diaz Communications
Folsom & Associates
HH Communications
Hemlock Printers (USA) Inc.
Indy International Wine Competition
JAG Public Relations
Kendall Farms LLC
Lake County Winegrape
Cathy Lauchland, Real Estate Broker
MacKenzie Agency
Napa Valley Writers Bureau
Napa Wooden Box Co.
Nicholls Auction Marketing
Group Inc.
Oculus Creative
Plumbline Studios Inc.
Prestige Graphics
ProWein 2010/Messe Düsseldorf North America
Ruszel Woodworks
Senecayuga Properties LLC
Sopexa USA
Wendy Tittel Design Inc.
Trellis Wine Consulting LLC
Venus Wrap
The Vinum Corp.
Stephan Weir PR
Wines & Vines
Wines of Washington Promotion
Words on Wine
Wright Labels
AgCode Inc.
Compli Inc.
EJM Solutions Inc.
Elypsis Inc.
Modular Information Systems
Morton Blacketer Pty. Ltd.
Optek-Danulat Inc.
Soil & Topography Information LLC
VinNOW by Update Software
Wine Management Systems
Wine Technology America
Wines & Vines
WineWare Software Corp.
WineWeb Enterprises Inc.
Above Scale Co.
Accurate Forklift Inc.
Branson Tractors
FreeRun Winery Services
Groskopf Warehouse & Logistics
RS Express Wine Industry Logistics
Titan Rack Co.
Vino Amici
Vinovation Inc.
Yandell Truckaway
What’s New With Industry Vendors
Wines & Vines collected up-to-date contact information and company news from almost 400 wine industry suppliers for this annual special section. Find out what’s new from these leading suppliers, and contact them to fill your vineyard or winery needs: Just look alphabetically on the following pages. Company submissions were edited for consistency and brevity.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | XYZ
900 N. Crane Ave.
St. Helena, CA 94558
Phone: (707) 963-5354
Fax: (707) 967-8242
Website: aj-vineyardsupply.com
E-mail: sales@aj-vineyardsupply.com
Improved website. Slide show in every category, downloadable catalog. Now carrying safety glasses and cut-resistant gloves year-round. We will be introducing high-end pruning shears from Barnel. Also stocking TIEFIX bandofix rubber ties, twist ties and reels for automatic tying machines. Service, speed and efficiency set us apart.
2870 Cordelia Road, Ste. 150
Fairfield, CA 94534
Phone: (707) 426-3566
Fax: (707) 426-2358
Website: acicorkusa.com
E-mail: pdurrett@acicorkusa.com
Nanocork: New value product, natural cork with a nonpermeable membrane, allows superior OTR rates. AWSI tests have proven its properties enhance fresh fruit characteristics of wines. Federfin screwcaps: A proven closure providing outstanding value. Nanocork: Exclusive cork-based closure with better OTR than any products of our competitors for short-aging wines.
1184 Maple Lane
Calistoga, CA 94515
Phone: (707) 942-8330
Fax: (707) 942-8337
Website: cleanwinery.com
E-mail: info@arsenterprises.com
SWASH portable steam generator, portable pressure washers, pipe pigging system and hard piping sterilization adapter. Miele 7859-W stemware washer. Moog hydro-powered (non-electric) 360° barrel cleaner. Fogmaster all stainless steel portable sprayer. Authorized sales representatives now in British Columbia, Pacific Northwest, Northern, Central and Southern California, Southwestern, Southeastern, Northeastern U.S.
123 Castleton St.
Pleasantville, N.Y. 10570
Phone: (914) 769-6252
Fax: (914) 769-6786
Website: prosperocorp.biz
E-mail: info@prosperocorp.biz
Lugana 1R crusher/destemmer mounted on a telescopic leg stand. No must pumps are needed. Just place your fermentation bin under the raised crusher/destemmer and the must drops down into the bins. Allows for a great gravity flow process with no shear or tear on the must.
2104 Catskill Way
Sacramento, CA 95838
Phone: (800) 200-9970
Fax: (916) 921-2547
Website: abovescale.com
E-mail: eganrk@netzero.com
Factory rep for more than 20 manufactures, we compare price, warranty and customer needs. We don’t oversell if it warrants being fixed or replaced.
P.O. Box 4860
Santa Rosa, CA 95402
Phone: (707) 585-3675
Fax: (707) 585-9734
Website: accurateforklift.com
E-mail: smchenry@accurateforklift.com
Forklift-mounted barrel handler allows operator to load and remove wine barrels from pyramid stacks or OXO line storage racks, top grabber and cradle styles. Fork-mounted forward bin dumper will tip a macro half-ton bin forward and away from the forklift. Barrel handler: top or bottom lifting. Forward bin dumper.
2100 196th St. S.W., Ste. 131
Lynnwood, WA 98036
Phone: (800) 877-4312
Fax: (425) 670-8247
Website: advancedlabelsnw.com
E-mail: jed@advancedlabelsnw.com
Super Matte Varnish prints vibrant color and crisp images while providing the matte litho look of Estate Materials. Now you can achieve highest quality print image while maintaining the look of an offset printed label, at significant cost savings. After working on it for years, we’ve finally perfected it.
2228 Page Road, Ste. 103
Durham, NC 27703
Phone: (866) BUNDLING
Fax: (919) 596-4629
Website: onestoplabsupplies.com
E-mail: sales@advantagebundlingsp.com
Advantage Bundling SP (ABSP) has introduced High Flow Biosart 100 membrane filtration monitor: twice the flow rate of conventional filtration monitors in a single-use device. Pen-Pro refractometer, ergonomically designed for one-handed operation; measures Brix 0.0 to 85.0º with automatic temperature compensation; continuous measurement.
740 Driving Park
Rochester, NY 14613
Phone: (800) 240-5366
Fax: (585) 458-7476
Website: aftekfilters.com
E-mail: aftek@aftekfilters.com
Ronfil crossflow filters and flotation systems; plastic wine tanks; Tru/Tan oak tannins, competitively priced, high quality.
399 Business Park Court
Windsor, CA 95452
Phone: (707) 843-6630
Website: agliner.com
E-mail: rkaplan@agliner.com
Exclusive supplier of Dura-line monofilament high tensile polyamide monofilament, a viable alternative to high tensile wire. Four sizes: 12.5, 11, 8 and 6 gauge; 20-plus years of vineyard installation history throughout Europe. Easy, quick, safe installation means labor savings. Elasticity for easy, quick shoot lifting. Shape entire row in one step.
10174 Highway 41
Madera, CA 93636
Phone: (559) 448-0558
Fax: (559) 448-0565
Website: agajanian.com
E-mail: gary@agajanian.com
We have moved. Please refer to new contact information above.
P.O. Box 373
Glenwood, MN 56334
Phone: (877) 250-8435
Fax: (320) 634-4717
Website: agcode.com
E-mail: contact@agcode.com
Using AgCode’s Total Scout system, vineyard managers track and better manage water use and transfers throughout the vineyard, with real-time reporting on meter readings, drip and overhead irrigation, reservoir fills and other water resource activities. Integration with local weather stations for precise decisions when managing water usage in the field.
P.O. Box 2118
Napa, CA 94558
Phone: (707) 265-0996
Fax: (707) 265-0997
Website: alainfouquet.com
E-mail: alainfouquet@aol.com
New personnel: Michelle Hall, marketing director: (916) 983-1606; Rich Cushman and Peter Cushman, representatives Pacific Northwest and Canada: (503)550-3585. New Diversity Atlantic Selection barrel: Genuine quercus Sessilis oak assemblage from France, northern Italy and northern Spain emphasizes forward aromatics and excellent structure in your wine.
4917 Oak Fair Blvd.
Tampa, FL 33610
Phone: (315) 585-6045
Fax: (813) 247-7329
E-mail: leet@allamericancontainers.com
Complete line of wine bottles in many colors; corks; and a multitude of capsule colors to match your labels. Our key wine salespeople, Roberta Parmelee and Lissa McLaughlin, have more than 40 years experience working with wineries of all sizes. Honest, dependable customer service, quality products, competitive pricing.
2870 Forbs Ave.
Hoffman Estates, IL 60192
Phone: (847) 851-1700
Fax: (847) 851-1303
Website: colloid.com
E-mail: cory.ashburn@colloid.com
With a long history of bentonite experience, exceptional staffing and world class R&D facilities, we continue to introduce innovative products and services. A leader in bentonite technology. Long-lived core product lines have attained leading brand recognition. Our materials segment owns and operates more than 25 mining/production facilities strategically located worldwide.
5778 W. Barstow Ave.
Fresno, CA 93722
Phone: (800) 786-4232
Fax: (559) 277-7385
Website: aghinc.com
E-mail: tthompson@aghpbl.com
New low-profile pickup conveyor enables the Quantum Grape Harvester to pick vineyards with cordons as low as 28 inches. Under engineering for 2010 is extra-sharp steering for the Quantum. These changes will enable more growers use the clean, effective harvesting provided by the Quantum/Mantis harvesting system.
1 Jill Court, Bldg. 16, Stes. 11 & 13
Hillsborough, N.J. 08844
Phone: (908) 864-0922
Fax: (908) 837-9566
Website: amstarcork.com
E-mail: amstarcork@gmail.com
Full line of natural wine cork, agglomerated, technical closures, bar tops, sparkling wine cork, as well as tapers. Our cork comes from the same farm in Portugal each and every time, allowing for excellent quality control. We can truly track our wine cork from the forest to the factory.
1230 Shiloh Road
Windsor, CA 95492
Phone: (707) 836-6840
Fax: (707) 836-6843
Website: americantartaric.com
E-mail: bill@americantartaric.com
We were recently selected as the U.S. wine industry representative for Seitel S.R.L. Seital manufacturers state-of-the-art centrifuges with a primary focus toward R/D of liquid/solid separation systems. Seitel technology reduces energy consumption up to 50%. Recent trials demonstrated significantly better clarification efficiency with lower oxygen pick-up than competing systems.
P.O. Box 5779
Napa, CA 94559
Phone: (707) 252-6911
Fax: (707) 252-7672
Website: avf.org
E-mail: scott@avf.org
The American Vineyard Foundation is a nonprofit organization that funds wine industry research derived from voluntary industry contributions.
6050 Colton Blvd.
Oakland, CA 94611
Phone: (510) 339-0170
Fax: (510) 339-0173
Website: artisanbarrels.com
E-mail: jerome@artisanbarrels.com
We are the exclusive representative of the boutique—truly Artisan—stainless steel tank producer Lejeune from Saint-Emilion, France. From compartmentalized and variable capacity to truncated and conical, the range and style is amazing. Visit Lejeune’s website: cuveslejeune.fr. This family-run firm has been designing and manufacturing top-end, innovative, elegant tanks since 1975.
43 Lively Oaks Road
Lively, VA 22507
Phone: (804) 462-0948
Fax: (804) 462-9951
Website: artonimp.com
E-mail: customerservice@bayimp.com
Custom etching and multi-color imprinting on glassware, ceramics, plastics and metals since 1986. Unparalleled customer service, highest quality work and volume discounts. We’ve streamlined our organizational process, negotiated prices with vendors on our best moving and most profitable ware, purchased in truckloads vs. pallets and passed the savings along.
43 Lively Oaks Road
P.O. Box 340
Lively, VA 22507
Phone: (804) 462-0948
Fax: (804) 462-7238
Website: artonimp.com
E-mail: sales@artonimp.com
Bottle decorating, banners, signs, T-shirts.
120 N. Willis St.
Visalia, CA 93291
Phone: (559) 636-3421
Fax: (559) 636-1104
E-mail: ramsey38@sbcglobal.net
Serving the industry for 30 years as winegrape brokers.
12011 N.E. 1st St., Bldg. C, Ste. 110
Bellevue, WA 98005
Phone: (425) 637-2107
Fax: (425) 637-2110
Website: atago.net
E-mail: customerservice@atago-usa.com
PEN-PRO digital dip-type handheld refractometer: Dip the prism directly into a sample; eliminates the need for pipettes. Continuous measurement feature shows measurements stabilizing as temperature evens out. No need to take several measurements of the same sample. Measurement range of 0.0 to 85.0° Brix for a wide variety of samples.
600 W. Delilah Road
Pleasantville, NJ 08232
Phone: (609) 641-1966
Fax: (609) 641-3865
Website: atlanticweldingllc.com
E-mail: info@atlanticweldingllc.com
We’ve complemented our fixed capacity tanks ?of up to 10,000-gallons with variable capacity tanks up to 1,000-liters. We can accommodate all of your wine fermentaion and storage needs. All tanks custom made. We will discuss your needs and come up with a custom comprehensive wine storage solution.
138 New Mohawk Road, Ste. 151
Nevada City, CA 95959
Phone: (530) 478-5882
Fax: (530) 478-5881
Website: automata-inc.com
E-mail: marsha@automata-inc.com
New Mini-Combo communicates with multiple Micro Mini-SS Field Stations and relays the data as well as data from its local sensors to the Internet via satellite. Mini-Sat field station and Mini-SS bridge. Ecomonical way to monitor a limited amount of sensors over a wide distance, ultilizing Automata’s custom designed website.
26 Davis Drive
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
Phone: (919) 547-2000
Website: agproducts.basf.us
E-mail: christa.miller@basf.com
BASF’s Crop Protection division is a leader in crop protection and a strong partner to the farming industry, providing well-established and innovative fungicides, insecticides and herbicides.
430 E. Main St.
Macungie, PA 18062
Phone: (800) 808-0454
Fax: (610) 965-2959
Website: bdimachinery.net
E-mail: buydirect@bdimachinery.net
Complete source for sprayers for small, medium and large multi-row types, weed sprayers, both standard and CDA application; hedgers, leaf thinners, shredders, cultivators, pruners, row mulchers and banding spreaders. BDi specializes in selling and servicing the most advanced vineyard machinery available in the world.
P.O. Box 61866
Harrisburg, PA 17106-1866
Phone: (717) 238-7715
Fax: (717) 238-7725
Website: bfproducts.com
E-mail: jon@bfproducts.com
We offer a variety of bird netting, posts, Gripples, crimping sleeves and tool, wire vises, wire links, high tensile wire, nylon monofilament, spinning jenny (wire de-reeler), ratchet strainer and more. Prices are always competitive and fair. We work with our customers to ensure satisfaction with every order.
6240 Frankford Ave.
Baltimore, MD 21206
Phone: (888) 550-4943
Fax: (410) 325-4295
Website: bgdecorators.com
E-mail: martyb@bgdecorators.com
We are offering many new products and services this year. Please visit the website or give us a call for all the latest and greatest. We are a family owned and operated company that offers competitive pricing with specials year round. We offer outstanding quality with impeccable customer service.
1194 Maple Lane
Calistoga, CA 94515
Phone: (707) 942-4291
Fax: (707) 942-5426
Website: barrelbuilders.com
Fax: phil@barrelbuilders.com
Tonnellerie Marchive introduced the Respect barrel. New toasting method—wetting the wood over a low fire—elongates toasting times, producing a soft, mellow extraction for fruit-forward wines. Available as Allier designate or as Centre blend. Kadar Hungarian cooperage has a limited number of forest-designate barrels from prestigious Hungarian areas.
640 Chinook Ave. S.W.
Avon, MN 56310
Phone: (800) 201-7125
Website: infusionspiral.com
E-mail: info@thebarrelmill.com
Infusion Spiral’s patent is final. Representation in Spain, Italy, France, India, the Carribean, Central and South America, the U.S. and Canada. A video of our products will be posted soon. The Infusion Spiral differs from other adjuncts: oak quality, surface area, rapid extraction, ease of use, 50% less wine displacement.
P.O. Box 427
Seal Beach, CA 90740
Phone: (562) 438-9901
Fax: (562) 438-9901
Website: barrelsunlimited.com
E-mail: barrelbyr@aol.com
In our 40 years we’ve grown into an all-service barrel company. We make new barrels in 5-, 10-, 15-, 20-, 30-, 59-, 70- and 80-gallon sizes. We buy back used barrels all year long. Competitive pricing, timely pick-up, prompt payment. When you are selling your used barrels, give us a call for current pricing information.
P.O. Box 11521
Santa Rosa, CA 95406
Phone: (707) 528-0620
Fax: (707) 528-3334
Website: bartolomeiscale.com
E-mail: dennis@bartolomeiscale.com
Full-line scale provider to the wine industry. Lab balances with .01 gram sensitivity to 100,000-pound capacity truck scales. Bin, hanging and truck scales available for seasonal rental or sale. We service almost all brands and are licensed by California and fully insured. Headquartered in the heart of the wine industry.
4605 Bullard Ave.
Bronx, NY 10470
Phone: (718) 324-7288
Fax: (718) 231-3572
Website: ebeaver.com
E-mail: sales@ebeaver.com
We now offer Cool-Paks thermal barrier bags and 12 bottle .375ml shippers. We have totally recycled pulp. Technologically updated company assures the wine/beer/oil/perfume/water, etc. you are shipping will reach its destination promptly and most securely.
1402 Grove St.
Healdsburg, CA 95448
Phone: (707) 431-9342
Fax: (707) 431-8809
Website: westectank.com
E-mail: joe@westectank.com
We can provide a better jacket configuration, resulting in a product that is more cost-effective to the customer. New style of dimple is different from traditional dimple jackets, offering more coverage with the same amounts of inlets and outlets, potentially reducing cost of plumbing by the thousands.
2700 Napa Valley Corporate Drive, Ste. H
Napa, CA 94558
Phone: (707) 254-9292
Fax: (707) 254-0433
Website: bensonmarketing.com
E-mail: info@bensonmarketing.com
Integrating marketing for the wine and spirits industries. Public relations, digital media, direct marketing and brand consulting for wineries, wine regions and spirits marketers. Napa Valley and New York City offices. We create and executes campaigns that integrate digital media and web 2.0 tools into comprehensive PR and branding campaigns.
403 Gateway Road W.
Napa, CA 94558
Phone: (707) 252-2550
Fax: (707) 252-1553
Website: bsgwine.com
E-mail: sbrent@rahr.com
Doug Manning joins the staff bringing 25 years of winemaking and bottling experience. Contact him at dmanning@rahr.com New: Oak infusion spirals from Barrel Mill; liquid oak tannins (water-based) for fine-tuning tannin balance. The spirals provide rapid extraction and ease of use. Liquid oak tannins offer versatility in finishing fine wines.
P.O. 1410
Windsor, CA 95492
Phone: (707) 237-5125
Fax: (707) 237-5125
Website: bevtracquality.com
E-mail: info@bevtracquality.com
Full array of analytical and microbiological laboratory services; comprehensive sanitation audits of winery equipment, infrastructure and bottling lines. Identify organisms prior to wine spoilage activities. The only company in the industry to offer the combination of proactive sanitation audits with existing analytical and microbiological laboratory methods to maximize wine quality.
10 Brookside Drive
San Anselmo, CA 94960
Phone: (415) 250-2373
Website: bigbangcommunications.com
E-mail: mike@bigbangcommunications.com
Laura Kirk Lee, formerly marketing director for Cambria, Carmel Road, Byron and other Jackson Family wineries, joined our organization in August. Her years of experience, creativity and organizational skills allow us to expand the marketing services we offer. With augmented design capabilities, we can take projects from conception to reality.
2308 Raven Trail
West Columbia, SC 29169
Phone: (800) 555-9634
Fax: (803) 796-0654
Website: birddamage.com
E-mail: jimb@birddamage.com
New Bird Gard Super PRO Wireless broadcasts distress and predator calls to speakers 1,000 feet in any direction. No speaker wires to get damaged or tangled. One Bird Gard Super PRO controller/transmitter can control up to eight 4-speaker receivers. Each 4-speaker receiver covers up to 6 acres.
P.O. Box 3190
Santa Rosa, CA 95402
Phone: (800) 600-8855
Website: paulblattenterprisesinc.com
E-mail: nanblatt@sonic.net
In addition to the Promens plastic line of fermentation bins, we carry a selection of IBC transfer bins, pallets, Remco plastic tools and the full line of Rack & Maintenance barrel racks. All Promens products are rotational molded, engineered for added strength to hold up.
N22 W23685 Ridgeview Parkway W.
Waukesha, WI 53188
Phone: (800) 233-7287
Fax: (800) 532-9287
Website: vintnerscrest.com
E-mail: sdindorf@boelter.com
Vintners Crest Stemware program provides your tasting room and/or special event with screen printed logo. We use Prop 65-compliant inks. Nation’s largest independently owned decorating company, specializing in single- or full-color logos on either the foot or bowl. Production minimums of 144 pieces. Fast turnarounds to meet customers’ requirements.
740 N.E. Harding St.
Minneapolis, MN 55413
Phone: (612) 435-7300
Fax: (612) 435-7301
Website: boerger-pumps.com
E-mail: jse@boerger-pumps.com
Robust, durable pumping systems with gentle, minimal pulsation-conveying characteristics. Wide range of sizes, peripheral equipment, option-loaded modular design. Rotary lobe pumps for various applications like mash, must, lees, pomace, yeast, and whole grapes. Entirely coated rotors, including adjustable rotor and new Optimum lobe and screw rotors guarantee pulsation-fee, smooth operation.
2557 Napa Valley Corporate Drive, Ste. D
Napa, CA 94558
Phone: (707) 255-5900
Fax: (707) 255-5952
Website: twboswell.com
E-mail: info@twboswell.com
The Boswell Polonyi barrel embodies the finest efforts of the T. W. Boswell and Julius Polonyi families. Fine-grain oak from Slovakian forests milled to highest standards. Four generations of Boswell coopering. Two toasts bring out the characteristics: Blancñrich toffee/hazelnut flavors, gentle smoke/spice, creaminess in mid-palate. Rouge hints of nutmeg/caramel, moderate vanilla/toast.
11 Bokum Road
Essex, CT 06426
Phone: (860) 767-2562
Fax: (860) 767-2563
Website: brandtech.com
E-mail: cpetrilli@brandtech.com
Premium laboratory equipment and supplies to simplify your work and make your winery lab more productive. The new Titrette bottletop burette is the first to provide titration within ASTM and ISO error limits for Class A glass burettes. Pipettes, bottletop dispensers, repeating pipettes and pipette controllers; reusable plastic labware, more.
2100 Cedartown Hwy.
Rome, GA 30161
Phone: (877) 734-2022
Fax: (877) 734-0637
Website: bransontractor.com
E-mail: branson@bransontractor.net
We added Multi Task Tractor 3510 and Multi Task Tractor 4720. The MT Tractors are rough-terrain units that provide versatility as forklift tractors for operations from fruit transportation to basic material handling. Equipped with front-mounted 3-point hitches, ideal for orchards and vineyards. Easily fits in rows; many attachments.
5377 Dry Creek
Healdsburg, CA 95448
Phone: (707) 570-6802
Fax: (707) 573-9444
Website: bravobottling.com
E-mail: eric@bravobottling.com
Mobile bottling services with screwcap and cork finishes; liquid nitrogen drip and laser bottle encoding. We have a rental department for hand-bottling and other winemaking needs.
P.O. Box 1645
Traverse City, MI 49685
Phone: (231) 947-4950
Fax: (231) 947-4962
Website: brickpackaging.com
E-mail: danbrick@brickpackaging.com
Please take time to visit and shop online at our new website. Good customer service is our primary goal. Full line of stock and specialty bottles in inventory; capsules, corks and barrels.
P.O. Box 1653
Sonoma, CA 95476
Phone: (707) 938-8378
Website: brittondesign.com
E-mail: pb@brittondesign.com
We created new wine packaging representing a silver belt buckle for Galante Vineyard’s Grand Champion, a Meritage wine. For Vine One, part of Constellation Brands, we created new wine packaging called “Vaca.” Private labels are another of our services. We produced labels for DFV Wines and Plata Wine Partners.
1114 Jones St.
Martinez, CA 94553
Phone: (800) 710-9333
Fax: (925) 370-9811
Website: brownmillerpr.com
E-mail: bmc@brownmillerpr.com
Our job is to cut through the fog, crafting and delivering communications that rise above the clatter to be heard by your key audiences. We do that through strategy, planning, research, relationships and effort. Our team of talented, experienced professionals uses skills, savvy and passion converting your objectives into success.
19 Fortune Drive
Billerica, MA 01821
Phone: (978) 439-9899
Website: bruker.com
E-mail: info@bruker.com
Contract lab services utilizing Bruker’s own NMR, X-ray, FT-IR and mass spectrometer systems. No commitment to purchase instrumentation—a great way to jumpstart a quality control and assurance, origin authentication, trace analysis or fermentation control applications of direct wine samples. The only such services from a scientific instrumentation company.
1641 W. Ironwood Drive
Chandler, AZ 85224
Phone: (602) 391-9536
Website: burgundyink.com
E-mail: stevieann@burgundyink.com
Now credentialed as a Certified Specialist of Wine (through the Society of Wine Educators). Earning certification highlights my commitment to better understand and appreciate everything about wine in order to bring a new perspective to my writing that I can apply to my clients’ messaging.
P.O. Box 695
St. Helena, CA 94574
Phone: (707) 963-2916
Fax: (707) 963-3179
Website: alfburtlesonconstruction.com
E-mail: lcurryburt@aol.com
Celebrating our 37th year of serving the Napa Valley. Premier contractor in construction of wine caves and underground spaces since 1972.
2787 Napa Valley Corporate Drive
Napa, CA 94558
Phone: (707) 265-1891
Fax: (707) 265-1899
Website: cfnapa.com
E-mail: dschuemann@cfnapa.com
Our international design presence continues to grow, adding French company Georges DuBoeuf and 2009 work in Italy, Chile, South Africa, France, Canada and Spain. Domestic highlights include redesign of the Robert Mondavi brand and the iconic Duckhorn Vineyards. We’ve earned 13 international design awards so far this year.
Z.I. do Casalinho, Rua No. 2, No. 235
Lourosa 4535-155
Phone: 011 351 96 863 18 09
Fax: 011 351 22 745 69 48
Website: cmglda.pt
E-mail: bruno@cmglda.pt
Krueger Winery Technology, St. Helena, Calif., became CMG’s American sales agent. We have been supplying the U.S. wine industry with high quality natural corks for almost a year now. ISO 9001:2008, ISO 22000:2005 (Food Safety) and SYSTECODE certifications and complete traceability process. Our next goal: bio-certification of our corks.
3275 Sacramento St.
San Francisco, CA 94115
Phone: (415) 346-2929
Fax: (415) 346-6136
Website: calhounwine.com
E-mail: katie@calhounwine.com
A dynamic public relations and marketing communications agency, specialists in representing wine and spirits clients to consumer lifestyle, luxury, epicurean, travel, trade and social media. Outstanding relationships with all types of print and online media provide unmatched access for building your brand. Customized public relations service and meaningful media results.
603 Indiana St.
Benicia, CA 94510
Phone: (707) 747-1055
Fax: (707) 747-1064
Website: caliberwinepak.com
E-mail: pblanchard@caliberwinepak.com
Since 1982 we’ve been proactive in bringing the industry new and innovative options: Eco-friendly bottles, bag-in-box, European, Asian and domestic wine bottles for every need. We also supply capsules. Products to enhance your wines in the marketplace with quality products and outstanding service. Our options make the difference.
5803 Skylane Blvd., #C
Windsor, CA 95492
Phone: (707) 836-9742
Fax: (707) 836-9759
Website: cantoncooperage.com
E-mail: sales@cantonwood.com
Canton Grand Cru 4-year barrel: the ultimate American oak barrel, seasoned 48 months minimum, guaranteed by Bureau Veritas. Fresh vanilla, brown spice and subtle floral notes are contributed. The extended air seasoning results in a whiskey lactones level same as that of French oak.
100 B St., Ste. 400
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
Phone: (707) 526-4200
Fax: (707) 526-4707
Website: cmprlaw.com
E-mail: cmpr@cmprlaw.com
In the past year, we’ve added new attorneys and staff. Full service representation for anyone in the wine business, including mergers and acquisitions, grape contracts, distribution agreements, financing, real estate, trademarks and alcoholic beverage regulations. Depth of knowledge and breadth of experience, an integrated community of attorneys and staff.
1439 Grove St.
Healdsburg, CA 95448
Phone: (707) 431-2000
Fax: (707) 431-2005
Website: carlsenassocites.com
E-mail: jon@carlsenassociates.com
We’ve expanded our service department, refurbishing older Carlsen equipment. To help our customers save instead of buying new equipment, programs to refurbish pumps, destemmers and screw sumps, adding life and upgraded features to our quality product and leaving our customers with a little bit more money in their pockets.
411 Russell Ave.
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
Phone: (707) 528-7649
Fax: (707) 571-5542
Website: rcmaps.com
E-mail: rayc@rcmaps.com
We have an exciting new product this year: Custom fly-through videos can enhance your tasting room or website. Call today for more information.
406 W. Maple St.
P.O. Box 2404
Yadkinville, NC 27055
Phone: (336) 677-6831
Fax: (336) 677-1048
Website: carolinawinesupply.com
E-mail: gil@carolinawinesupply.com
We’ve added service to Tennessee and Kentucky, in addition to servicing North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia and Georgia. Products include bottles, corks and capsules. Also, crushpad equipment, stainless steel fittings, yeast, enzymes, tannins and fining agents. The Southeast’s only full service winery supply company.
P.O. Box 954
Templeton, CA 93465
Phone: (805) 467-2002
Fax: (805) 467-2004
Website: castorobottling.com
E-mail: niels@castorobottling.com
We’ve expanded to five mobile bottling rigs. By adding a field representative we can better react to the clients’ needs from packaging to compliance. The number of trailers allows us to be extremely flexible. Bottling since 1988, Castoro Bottling Co. offers experience, quality and efficiency.
1706 Gregg St.
Big Spring, TX 79720
Phone: (800) 848-2781
Website: agrijewelry.com
E-mail: ctschaney@aol.com
Sterling silver grape jewelry collection made with natural gemstones. Made especially for tasting room sales. Free display available. Please visit our website.
659 Andover St.
Lawrence, MA 01843
Phone: (800) 343-2170
Fax: (978) 659-6216
Website: charm.com
E-mail: info@charm.com
ATP swabs including WineGiene, PocketSwab Plus, WaterGiene and FieldSwab now feature recyclable components, to meet sustainability goals. The novaLUM luminometer has new audit-friendly features to help comply with HACCP requirements and documentation. Fast Phage test detects coliphage, a viral indicator of fecal contamination, in water in less than eight hours
3600 Sunrise Blvd., #2
Rancho Cordova, CA 95742
Phone: (800) 323-5013
Fax: (916) 631-0914
Website: chill-n-go.com
E-mail: info@chill-n-go.com
New models of Wine on Wheels bags have “curb skid” protection, a strong plastic skid plate between the wheels at the bottom back edge of bag to eliminate tears and wear when crossing curbs at an angle. New, less expensive six-bottle salesperson’s bag. Fulfillment programs continue to expand.
1101 Fifth Ave., #170
San Rafael, CA 94901
Phone: (415) 458-5150
Fax: (415) 458-5160
Website: ciatti.com
E-mail: reception@ciatti.com
Global grape and wine brokers; offices worldwide.
30271 Tomas St.
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688
Phone: (949) 589-3978
Fax: (949) 589-3979
Website: ciprianicorp.com
E-mail: cipriani@ciprianicorp.com
New 53-Series slim-line sanitary, full port ball valve: Two-piece design is compact like a butterfly valve, yet robust and rugged as a ball valve should be. Forged, not cast, polished to 220-grit with FDA-compliant seals. Compact, lightweight and cost-effective.
9124 Nassano Drive
Stockton, CA 95212
Phone: (209) 601-6307
Fax: (209) 931-4986
Website: cawinegrapes.com
E-mail: mikec1@lightspeed.net
We redesigned our website and are now handling 24 varieties of grapes. Complete personal service from coordinating harvest, storage and shipping of California winegrapes.
18826 N. Lower Sacramento Road, Ste. E
Woodbridge, CA 95258
Phone: (209) 649-7944
Fax: (209) 444-0199
Website: duncanda.com
E-mail: renidellamaggiore@msn.com
Agriculture and commercial real estate brokerage. Contact: Reni Della Maggiore, RLI, FIABCI DRE: 00671356. Real estate services: Both nationally and internationally.
193 Camino Dorado
Los Altos, CA 94558
Phone: (707) 258-3940
Fax: (707) 258-3949
Website: collopack.com
E-mail: info@collopack.com
Diemme Velvet T75 Tank Press-world’s largest grape tank press with capacities of 125 tons of axial fed grapes. Dual drives, two extra-large doors, 8-inch axial feed, dual pulse jet cleaning system. Superior juice extraction with minimal grape maceration. Bortolin Kemo automatic case packer places bottles in cases without label damage.
P.O. Box 2516
Napa, CA 94558
Phone: (707) 258-0885
Fax: (707) 255-5465
E-mail: carlw@completewelderssupply.com
New location in Sonoma County at 5200 Commerce Blvd., Rohnert Park CA 94928. Phone us at (707) 584-0111. We’re the only locally owned and operated winery gas supplier in Sonoma/Napa counties.
P.O. Box 3617
Paso Robles, CA 93447
Phone: (877) 255-1440
Fax: (805) 239-0152
Website: compli-beverage.com
E-mail: info@compli-beverage.com
Regulatory compliance services since 1997; created eCompli software for our team of compliance professionals. Today, it’s used self-serve by wineries and compliance service providers of all sizes. Manage product registrations, vintage changes, price posting, out-of-state licensing, reporting, more. Integrates with POS and eCommerce software. Free, online demo at compli-beverage.com/demo.
1450 Airport Blvd., Ste. 180
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
Phone: (707) 577-7500
Fax: (707) 577-7511
Website: conetech.com
E-mail: info@conetech.com
Please check out our updated ConeTech website as well as our new PolarClad Tank Insulation website polarcladinsulation.com. ConeTech is the world leader in wine alcohol adjustment and flavor management, and has also helped pioneer a whole new generation of lighter style wines.
2557 Napa Valley Corporate Drive, Ste. D
Napa, CA 94558
Phone: (707) 255-5900
Fax: (707) 255-5952
Website: cooperages1912.com
E-mail: info@cooperages1912.com
The Napa sales office representing wine barrel brands World Cooperage and T. W. Boswell unveiled its name, Cooperages 1912, to better reflect the integrity of both brands. Cooperages 1912 offers wine barrel sales, customer service and distribution for the United States and international markets. A fourth-generation, family-owned company.
2936 Madeline St.
Oakland, CA 94602
Phone: (510) 599-5087
Website: coquardpresses.com
E-mail: msalgues@hotmail.com
Ray Turner, well known and highly respected in the wine business, has taken over the maintenance of the Coquard presses in the western U.S. Reach him at Turner Machine Co., 5250 Mill Creek Road, Healdsburg, CA 95448. Phone: (707) 433-4346. Cell: (707) 484 1012.
11160 Terrace Drive
Forestville, CA 95436
Phone: (707) 887-0141
Fax: (707) 561-3565
Website: corkqc.com
E-mail: pweber@corkqc.com
A nonprofit group organized to promote education about natural cork and to improve quality assurance programs for its membership. Members: Amorim Cork America, Cork Supply, Ganau America, Juvenal Direct, Lafitte Cork & Capsule, M.A. Silva Corks, Portocork America and Scott Laboratories.
531 Stone Road
Benicia, CA 94510
Phone: (707) 746-0353
Fax: (707) 746-7471
Website: corksupply.com
E-mail: csu@corksupply.com
See our full collection of premium Top-of-the-Bottle products on our new website. Choose and customize: FSC and Rainforest Alliance Certified natural cork; new Vapex MicroExtra cork; Nomacorc synthetic and NewPak screwcap closures; Rivercap tin and polylam capsules. New cork facilities in Portugal and North America; SMPE/GCMS-equipped testing and analysis labs.
17 Middle River Drive
Stafford Springs, CT 06076
Phone: (860) 851-9417
Fax: (860) 749-3478
Website: corktec.com
E-mail: sales@corktec.com
We opened a new cork processing plant in Kennewick, Wash., to serve the growing wine community in the Pacific Northwest, and reduce the cost of shipping and the time to receive orders. CorkWest has our same state of the art branding and treating equipment, plus thermal branding capabilities.
6935 Oakwood Drive
Niagara Falls, Ontario L2E6S5
Phone: (905) 357-2930
Fax: (905) 374-2930
Website: criveller.com
E-mail: info@criveller.com
New this year: Microbloc six-spout filler/single head corker and labeller (with spinner or PVC heat shrinker and capsule distributor). All contained on one machine. Output: 750 bph. Competitively priced. Custom-made for Criveller and designed specifically for small, high-end producers.
161 Baypointe Parkway
San Jose, CA 95134
Phone: (408) 371-3303
Fax: (408) 577-1567
Website: cryotechinternational.com
E-mail: salesinquiry@cryotechinternational.com
Cryotech has moved into our larger headquarters in San Jose, Calif.
400 Research Parkway
Meriden, CT 06437
Phone: (800) 243-6894
Fax: (203) 630-4530
Website: cuno.com
E-mail: cjohara@mmm.com
Wide variety of filtration products and services for the wine industry: particle control filters, clarification filters and final membrane filters. New products include a hand-held automated integrity test device, the Minicheck, and High Flow filter, offering a water flow rate of up to 300 GPM in a single filter cartridge.
RR 2, Ste. 207
Carrollton, IL 62016
Phone: (618) 946-3517
Website: davisvines.com
E-mail: walt500@aol.com
Aphrodite, a new patented grapevine, was developed by crossing Norton and one of the finest Potuguese white wine varieties. The long, loose, translucent berries produce an outstanding dry white wine resembling a Vino Verde. Self-rooted, excellent disease resistance and winter hardiness. Canes are bright red. Ripens late in the season.
9735-A Bethel Road
Frederick, MD 21702
Phone: (301) 694-6072
Fax: (301) 694-9254
Website: deerbusters.com
E-mail: martin@tridentcorp.com
Featuring PVC-coated steel deer fencing to provide the highest possible protection for vineyards. Visit deerbusters.com for details. We have the strongest deer fencing currently available.
1650 Almar Parkway
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
Phone: (707) 544-5300
Website: dellatoffola.it
E-mail: dtgroup@dellatoffola.us
Cross flow filter with ceramic membranes uses minerals or inorganic fibers. High regeneration capacity, excellent filtration quality, minimum 10 years life. New, more complete series of models, from 20 square meters of fitering surface to 1,000 and more. Membrane life double organic filters, different grades of porosity.
2300 Cordelia Road
Fairfield, CA 94534
Phone: (707) 402-9999
Fax: (707) 422-1242
Website: demptos.com
E-mail: info@demptos.com
Demptos Glass introduced several stock bottles: the 750ml Strada and 750ml Julia as well as a 375ml hock. We also welcomed Rodrigo Melo as sales manager and Helena Ross as account manager for the Central Coast. Demptos carries the most extensive line of stock and specialty wine bottles.
781 Natalie Drive
Windsor, CA 95492
Phone: (707) 620-0788
Fax: (707) 838-9159
Website: diaz-communications.com
E-mail: jo@diaz-communications.com
Social media marketing—with traditional marketing and publicity—is our specialty. Seasoned pros with combined experience of 24 years in the wine business. Adaptive and adept at understanding the complexities of today’s wine marketing. Jose Diaz is a publicist, webmaster, direct marketing and social media specialist.
2090 Sunnydale Blvd.
Clearwater, FL 33765
Phone: (800) 523-8499
Fax: (727) 447-0591
Website: dosatronusa.com
E-mail: mailbox@dosatronusa.com
The award-winning D14MZ2—14 GPM fertilizer injector into drip irrigation applications, born from 30 years of experience features: Higher flow rate, pressure range 4.3 to 85 PSI, simplified motor piston, chemical-resistant housing, enhanced UV resistance, easy-to-read ratio selector, proportional injection, tool-free, easy field maintenance, water-powered, non-electric sustainable technology.
10277 Christy Road
Fredona, NY 14063
Phone: (716) 672 8493
Fax: (716) 679-3442
Website: doubleavineayrds.com
E-mail: suerak@rakgrape.com
We’ve added new varieties at the largest grapevine nursery east of California, Oregon and Washington. Superior quality, extensive variety list and customer service.
444 Aviation Blvd.
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
Phone: (707) 546-7822
Fax: (707) 546-2289
Website: exchangebank.com
E-mail: barrettm@exchangebank.com
Special agriculture pricing for equipment lease financing. We are direct lenders.
7215 Conde Lane
Windsor, CA 95492
Phone: (707) 546-6203
Fax: (707) 885-0896
Website: ejmsolutions.com
E-mail: laurie@ejm?solutions.com
Information Technology: Server virtualization to reduce network hardware TCO from purchase to future energy savings; installation and support IP Telephony systems that reduce telecommunications expenses; configuration of secure Virtual Private Network (VPN) services; secure backups of essential business data; website hosting; e-mail and spam filtering; 24/7 network maintenance and support.
899 Adams St., Ste. A
St. Helena, CA 94574
Phone: (707) 963-4806
Fax: (707) 963-1054
Website: etslabs.com
E-mail: info@etslabs.com
ETS opened a new laboratory in Sonoma County at 190 Foss Creek Circle, Healdsburg. ETS provides capable and responsive technical assistance in the industry with veteran lab staff and twice daily courier service to Sonoma County and daily service to Mendocino and Napa Counties. We’re on Twitter: twitter.com/etslabs.
112 S. Railroad Ave.
New Holland, PA 17557
Phone: (888) 693-2638
Fax: (717) 355-2879
Website: earthandturf.com
E-mail: warrene@mdsgroup.net
Model 320 Vineyard Special topdresser spreader, 2 cubic yards, compact size, only 39 inches at widest point; side-to-side spread beater distributes material only to the left and right. Maximum spread width 72 inches. Optional beater attachment assures even spread across rows. Beater and apron belt are hydraulically driven.
P.O. Box 438
Rancocas, NJ 08073
Phone: (866) 617-0764
Fax: (866) 617-0765
Website: electrosteam.com
E-mail: sales@electrosteam.com
New Swash unit is designed exclusively for wineries: Sterilize bottling lines; refurbish barrels; melt tartrates and general cleaning/sanitizing. Portable mounting. Easy to use and maintain. Dual pressure settings, larger tires and contemporary styling.
2095 O’Toole Ave.
San Jose, CA 95131
Phone: (408) 761-2142
Fax: (408) 435-8121
Website: elitelabel.com
E-mail: info@elitelabel.com
Upgraded digital printing department: the latest in digital printing, faster lead times, tighter color control. Fully loaded finishing line complements new digital press: Cost-effective solutions for small- and medium-volume label runs. Sheet size is significantly larger, for higher volume and better pricing.
1398 Deer Canyon Road
Arroyo Grande, CA 93420
Phone: (805) 474-9390
Fax: (805) 474-9390
Website: elutriatesystems.com
E-mail: elutriatin@aol.com
Converting BOD to compost tea, using winery effluent to grow beneficial bacteria and fungal strains—great for the soil. Convert a liability into an asset, creating bio diversity in the soil, minimizing both pesticides and fertilizers. Make your winery wastewater an asset to the vineyard as compost tea.
1957 Sierra Ave.
Napa, CA 94558
Phone: (707) 257-8912
Fax: (707) 581-1894
Website: elypsis.com
E-mail: info@elypsis.com
Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 includes advanced ERP capabilities; also new The Winery CRM, advanced customer relationship management solution for the wine industry built upon the Microsoft Dynamics CRM product. New features for ComplianceLink; a new gratuity module and upgraded wine club manager with many new features and enhancements.
4345 Industrial Way
Benicia, CA 94510
Phone: (707) 745-4444
Fax: (707) 748-4444
Website: encoreglass.com
E-mail: sales@encoreglass.com
We’ve entered into an exclusive sales agreement with Fevisa Glass, which is currently expanding production. Our instant fulfillment program allows wineries to place an order one week and receive it the following week. Upgraded website supplies technical and bottle information.
4955 Spring Grove Ave.
Cincinnati, OH 45232
Phone: (513) 482-7619
Fax: (513) 242-6833
Website: enerfab.com
E-mail: rich.king@enerfab.com
More than 40 years providing proprietary food-grade coatings to the wine industry. Our experience and superior product give our customers the performance they demand. Visit our website for more information. The only major coatings applicator with our own line of products gives you single-source responsibility.
250 Aime-Vincent
Vaudreuil Pq., QC J7V5V5
Phone: (450) 424-2131
Fax: (450) 424-0864
Website: enocapsule.com
E-mail: sales@enocapsule.com
A quality oriented company, we guarantee 99% of a production lot, utilizing gas chromatography for quality control. For color uniformity of printed material, we perform batch-to-batch control with spectrophotometry. A wholly integrated Canadian capsule producer, we deliver the entire solution from substrates lamination, custom inks development and printing to capsule production.
7240 Holsclaw Road
Gilroy, CA 95020
Phone: (888) 782-5220
Fax: (408) 846-9954
Website: stalabs.com/grapevine_testing/grapevine_testing.php
E-mail: juditmonis@eurofinsus.com
STA joins network of worldwide Eurofins laboratories. We’ve developed specific panels to detect the most important grapevine pathogens, administered with specific sampling instructions according to a schedule that favors sensitive detection. Virus panels include ELISA and RT-PCR, bacterial panels include ELISA (Panel PD) or biological culture (Panel CG) and PCR.
497 Edison Court, Ste. G
Fairfield, CA 94534
Phone: (707) 864-5800
Fax: (707) 864-5879
Website: euromachinesusa.com
E-mail: karen@euromachinesusa.com
Scharfenberger, manufacturer of Europress, is working with us to produce stainless steel equipment: tables, destemmers, tanks. Vineyard and winery equipment from other well known manufacturers: Braud grape and olive Harvesters, Rauch-Zickler destemmer-crushers, pumps and gondolas; Kiesel pumps and mixers, Hans Dampf steamers.
2825 W. Washington St.
Stephenville, TX 76401
Phone: (800) 462-8526
Fax: (254) 965-8374
Website: fmcinvalco.com
E-mail: larry.morrow@fmcti.com
Larry Morrow is our regional sales manager. His direct line is (254) 977-3809. Our products are used in conjunction with barrel filing applications. Invalco was the first to help automate this function for several wineries in the U.S.
P.O. Box 6829
Napa, CA 94581
Phone: (707) 259-1477
Fax: (707) 252-6665
Website: fiordisole.com
E-mail: wines@fiordisole.com
At Fior di Sole we make premium wines specifically for the bulk market. Visit us at our website for a full list of services and a complete list of our wine inventory. Our wines are made for the bulk market and we offer custom blends.
1051 S.W. 30th Ave.
Deerfield Beach, FL 33442
Phone: (954) 481-9975
Fax: (954) 480-8563
Website: fogmaster.com
E-mail: info@fogmaster.com
Barrel room humidification; barrel storage humidification. Tolerant of poor water quality: no plugging of nozzle.
55 Hawthorne St., Ste. 650
San Francisco, CA 94105
Phone: (415) 978-9909
Website: folsomandassociates.com
E-mail: sam@folsomandassociates.com
Decades of wine experience and creative, strategic approach to PR. Top wine PR professionals with broad capabilities for wineries large and small in the U.S. and elsewhere. Extensive experience with traditional wine media, our reach expands to lifestyle, travel and food press, new media and social networking.
1530 Morse Ave.
Elk Grove, IL 60007
Phone: (847) 357-9500
Fax: (847) 357-8726
Website: fortdearborn.com
E-mail: gchapdelaine@fortdearborn.com
Premier supplier of decorative labels. Formats include cut and stack, pressure sensitive, roll-fed and shrink sleeve printed offset lithographic, flexographic, rotogravure and digital. Seamless migration across various label types and print technologies. All of our products are surrounded by strong technical resources and value-added services.
8091 Wallace Road
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
Phone: (952) 974-9892
Fax: (952) 974-9823
Website: foss.us
E-mail: info@fossnorthamerica.com
We’ve designated Gusmer as a distributor of the OenoFoss grape and wine analysis instrument: Small, benchtop instrument for rapid analysis of ethanol, glucose/fructose, pH, TA, malic acid and VA. The updated OenoFoss calibration matches North American juice and wine. Smallest mid-infrared analysis instrument specifically for the wine industry.
560 Work St.
Salinas, CA 93901
Phone: (831) 422-4000
Fax: (831) 422-7000
Website: franmara.com
E-mail: corkscrews@franmara.com
More than 150 new products this year: Electropull Focus electrical corkscrew, opens hundreds of bottles in one hour; Decantus wine aerator; Vino Dose measures wine portions; many new corkscrews; Wine Collar thermometer; Wine Preserva, new method of preserving wine; more. Largest selection in the U.S. for wine accessories.
431 Hudson St.
Healdsburg, CA 95448
Phone: (707) 395-0382
Fax: (707) 395-0386
Website: freerunservices.com
E-mail: contact@freerunservices.com
Supply chain management solutions including planning, purchasing and logistics support; seamless extension of winery operations. Improved efficiencies, costs, quality and service through collaborative engagement and implementation of supply best practices. Improved demand visibility, reduced working capital and greater asset utilization. Full turnkey options and specialized services.
3498 W. 1st, Ste.
Eugene, OR 97402
Phone: (541) 345-3903
Fax: (541) 345-8835
Website: gdchillers.com
E-mail: justin@gd?chillers.com
Glycol chillers, glycol heaters, controls. Recognized as innovative fabricators of dependable, extended-service commercial chillers. The variety of satisfied end users range from wineries, breweries and food processors to high technology manufacturers.
156 Camino Oruga
Napa, CA 94558
Phone: (707) 259-1100
Fax: (707) 259-9463
Website: gabrielcorkamerica.com
E-mail: info@gabrielcorkamerica.com
Natural wine corks. President: Christian Gabriel; CEO: Pedro Teixeira; CFO: Samuel Reis; sales manager: Robert Jones. We specialize in high quality corks. The Gabriel Group has a 141-year history within the same family. We bring knowhow coupled with latest and best technologies to supply a superior and unmatched quality product.
604 Jeffers Circle
Exton, PA 19341
Phone: (610) 408-9940
Fax: (610) 408-9945
Website: gamajet.com
E-mail: robert.delaney@gamajet.com
Evacu-Blast portable barrel cleaning system achieves rapid cleaning and turnaround of stacked barrels without unstacking or moving them. Incorporates everything to clean barrels, packaged in a convenient transport cart. Integrated vacuum system removes wine for racking and then removes lees and cleaning solution. High-pressure pump supplies cleaning solution.
21750 8th St. E.
Sonoma, CA 95476
Phone: (800) 694-CORK
Fax: (707) 939-0671
Website: ganauamerica.com
E-mail: mariella@ganauamerica.com
In 1995 we introduced TF technology, the industry’s first non-chemical deep-cleaning steam process for natural corks, granules and discs. It established a new industry best practice that other producers have since worked to emulate. Ganau is again leading the way with Ganau Revolution, another major advance in controlling cork taint.
528 Gandrud Road
Owatonna, MN 55060
Phone: (800) 443-2476
Fax: (507) 451-2857
Website: gandy.net
E-mail: custsrv@gandy.net
New 4-foot and 6-foot disk seeders till soil between rows and interseed or apply soil sterilant; row fertilizer applicators with one to four outlets place fertilizer along rows. More precise, more ruggedly built than similar products; patented system.
373 S. White Horse Pike
Hammonton, NJ 08037
Phone: (609) 561-8199
Fax: (609) 561-3429
Website: ginopinto.com
E-mail: info@ginopinto.com
Now stocking Zambelli Zeta Model pneumatic presses: AISI 304 stainless steel and high quality components (Becker compressors, Bonfiglioli reduction units, etc.). Soft, gentle pressing for top quality wines. Can process grapes in bunches, destemmed, fermented grapes, or raisins at high hourly output. Loading through one or several doors; entirely closed.
P.O. Box 634
Napa, CA 94559
Phone: (707) 224-5670
Fax: (707) 224-4683
Website: globalpackage.net
E-mail: info@globalpackage.net
New showroom office in the Napa Corporate Park. We’ve incorporated a new line of Elegant Light high-end bottles priced competitively within the specialty glass category. New bottle shapes in development in Bordeaux and Burgundy styles at very attractive weights without sacrificing style. New shapes, new weights now in stock.
749 S. Kirkman Road
Orlando, FL 32811
Phone: (407) 290-0963
Fax: (407) 297-7891
Website: globeimports.com
E-mail: sales@globeimports.com
Accessories and gifts for tasting rooms: Small and large wine racks, wall and table-top bottle display stands; bottle holders, wine caddies, bottle stoppers, coasters, bottle openers/corkscrews, wine-related wall decor, kitchen accessories, home accents. Since 1988, prompt, professional, reliable service; great product mix from one warehouse; user friendly, continuously updated website.
P.O. Box 1217
Mansfield, OH, 44901
Phone: (419) 755-1011
Fax: (419) 755-1251
Website: grpumps.com
E-mail: grsales@gormanrupp.com
Industrial pump packages include a multiple-pump skid system with drives, piping, valves and controls. Pre-engineered, pre-assembled and pre-tested packages simplify on-site installation, reducing construction costs. Total system responsibility direct from Gorman-Rupp, with more than 40 years in the pump package business.
#25—2355 52nd Ave. S.E.
Calgary, Alberta T2C4X7
Phone: (866) 477-5831
Fax: (403) 640-1613
Website: gouldstainless.com
E-mail: rickm@gouldstainless.com
Working and changing with the industry: We have what our customers need in stock when they need it. We’re ready to handle requests: Manway door, butterfly valve, fittings or centrifical pump, we have it all. Quality, huge inventory and service. Amazing inventory and same-day shipping.
200 N. Glebe Road, Ste. 321
Arlington, VA 22203
Phone: (703) 524-8200
Fax: (703) 525-8451
Website: trademarkinfo.com
E-mail: gls@trademarkinfo.com
Expanded trademark services division complements our beverage services division, Average staff experience: 27 years. Specializing in beverage compliance, trademark, patent and copyright services. Since 1957, we’ve served thousands of beverage-related businesses and law firms with their intellectual property, labeling, formulation, advertising and other compliance needs. Located minutes from TTB.
2399 Wheat Road
Clifton Springs, NY 14432
Phone: (315) 462-3288
Fax: (315) 462-5234
Website: graftedgrapevines.com
E-mail: amberg@fltg.net
New varieties that we are now carry are: LaCressant, Marquette, Principal, Valvin Muscat, Noiret and Corot Noir. Highest quality vines. We also provide custom grafting for our customers; no order is too small.
200 Lake Drive
Glasgow, DE 19702
Phone: (302) 731-1700
Fax: (302) 369-0938
Website: gravertech.com
E-mail: info@gravertech.com
Stratum series melt-blown filter cartridges. The absolute rated Stratum A Series and nominal Stratum C Series are made on a state-of-the-art melt-blowing line with all microprocessor controllers for consistent, precise product and repeatable performance. DE replacement for small batches, tartaric acid removal or water prefilters.
6645 W. Main Road
Portland, N.Y. 14769
Phone: (716) 792-9433
Fax: (716) 792-9434
Website: greenhoecompany.com
E-mail: greenhoe@fairpoint.net
We have made changes to our rotary head. Our Green Hoe is simple, not over-engineered, and very affordable. Parts are there when you need them, not when the next container is coming from overseas.
20580 8th St. E.
Sonoma, CA 95476
Phone: (707) 939-3156
Fax: (707) 939-3112
Website: groskopf.com
E-mail: charlene@groskopf.com
GWL will be opening a new custom bonded warehouse dedicated to the spirits industry at the end of 2009. We welcome Lori Decker to our family of employees as our new bookkeeper. We are licensed to store wine in bond, and wine and spirits tax-paid.
81 M St.
Fresno, CA 93721
Phone: (559) 256-5413
Fax: (559) 485-4254
Website: gusmerwine.com
E-mail: jwiley@gusmerenterprises.com
We’re celebrating our 85th anniversary. Now offering MicroEssentials time-release nutrients to reduce nutrient additions while providing a steady amount of nitrogen to your fermentation. The OenoFoss compact simple-to-use analytical instrument to provide instant quality control: it takes only two minutes to run analysis on up to six parameters.
RR #2 —827 Line 4
Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario L0S 1J0
Phone: ?(905) 468-5016
Fax: ?(905) 468-5676
Website: vineyardmachines.com
E-mail: info@vineyardmachines.com
Serving grapegrowers in Canada and Eastern United States with European equipment since 1993. Involved in farming and winemaking for generations; we know which equipment works best. High quality products from selected manufacturers. Equipment for rows from 5-feet to 10-feet. Environment-friendly LIPCO recycling tunnel sprayers save 33% chemicals; Braun in-row cultivators.
777 West End Ave.
New York, NY 10025
Phone: (212) 662-3379
Fax: (212) 662-1208
Website: hhoran.net
E-mail: info@hhoran.net
Boutique public relations agency specializing in media relations for premium and super-premium products and services, in particular fine wines and spirits and products crafted by family- and privately owned firms. Created and executed successful brand- and image-building public relations for brands in their infancy, growing and mature brands. Trade and consumer events.
4701 Old Redwood Highway
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
Phone: (707) 544-1641
Fax: (707) 644-1646
E-mail: scott@hallandbartleyc.om
Recently completed Merriam Vineyards in Healdburg. Completed construction drawings for Skinner Vineyards and currently working on expansion projects for Foster’s Wine Estates and Gallo.
3237 Fitzgerald Road
Rancho Cordova, CA 95742
Phone: (916) 388-5858
Website: hankinspecialty.com
E-mail: neilh@hankinspecialty.com
New portable four-post bridge crane for the Vacuhoist system. Crane can be moved away from the bottle line when not stacking cases of wine. Wall jib or free-standing jib crane systems. New is the Opal wheelchair lift to meet ADA requirements. No charge to visit and design a system.
584 Park East Drive
Woonsocket, RI 02085
Phone: (800) 426-6287
Fax: (401) 765-7575
Website: hannainst.com/usa
E-mail: sales@hannainst.com
New HI83540 alcohol analyzer for small to mid-sized wineries: sugar interferences; higher-altitude wineries that cannot use an ebulliometer. Easy use; consistency/reliability, data logging. Meets or excees the allowable limits of 1.5% for wines containing 14% or less alcohol by volume and 1% for wines 14% or greater alcohol by volume.
P.O. Box 3437
Santa Rosa, CA 95402
Phone: (707) 544-2822
Fax: (707) 578-8306
E-mail: jtaylor@hanselleasing.com
This year brought many challenges to the financial industry. We remain ready and able to meet the leasing needs of our customers because of longevity in the business. More than 50 years strong, we continue to provide personalized service with competitive rates for your equipment and vehicle leasing needs.
100 Pringle, Ste. 225
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
Phone: (925) 979-0300
Fax: (925) 979-0500
Website: hemlock.com
Now offering variable data printing for direct mail companies; extensive POP and POS services available. We are printers for Wines & Vines monthly magazine and Annual Directory/Buyers Guide.
1741 Torrance Blvd., #A
Torrance, CA 90501
Phone: (310) 212-7777
Fax: (310) 212-7779
Website: heyesfilters.com
E-mail: gregh@heyes.mpowermail.com
New wine filter 6L: crossflow lees filter; bottling line wine membrane; TCA removal filter sheet; tank washer; lees filter cloth. More square meters of filter area, moveable, small footprint. Only lees crossflow filter on the market, higher wine value vs. DE-type filters. Specifically designed PES membrane, longer life, economical.
719 N. Glenwood St.
Allentown, PA 18104
Phone: (610) 435-4662
Website: enter.net/~highland
E-mail: cohodasal@enter.net
Carbonated beverage back-pressure bottle filler for small wineries that want to produce at least 25 cases per year. Unit is all stainless steel and comes with more than 50 years of wine experience to support the it.
1370 Trancas St., #165
Napa, CA., 94558
Phone: (707) 258-2000
Website: bestwinejobs.com
E-mail: tom@bestwinejobs.com
Our website is new. Specialists in recruiting and executive search exclusively within the wine industry since 1985. Our Southern California office is now located at 920 Chattanooga Ave., Pacific Palisades, CA 90272.
Units 3 & 4, 2 Hewer St.
Hampstead Gardens, South Australia 5086
Phone: +61 8 8333 0222
Fax: +61 8 8364 0706
Website: hypac.com.au
E-mail: info@hypac.com.au
3G Basket Presses, from 8HL to 25HL: Reasonably priced, flexible, easy to operate and robust. Solid design, quality manufacture, widest range of basket press capacities. All Hypac basket press sizes can also press very small parcels, regardless of basket capacity, because of the unique design.
745 Agriculture Mall Drive
West Lafayette, IN 47907
Phone: (765) 494-3614
Website: indyinternational.org
E-mail: winelab@purdue.edu
The largest scientifically organized and independent international wine competition in the United States. Our staff is up-to-date on wine trends and varieties. We are on the cutting edge of extension and research in enology and viticulture.
21660 8th St. E.
Sonoma, CA 95476
Phone: (707) 996-8781
Fax: (707) 996-1157
Website: innerstave.com
E-mail: sales@innerstave.com
Efficient, cost-effective ways to integrate oak and wine for 30 years. Every inch of Innerstave is used during application—one of the first environmentally low-impact products for winemaking. Our team consults with winemakers to identifying Oak Infusion Products and protocol to accomplish winemaking goals and reduce cooperage expenses.
3715 Santa Rosa Ave., Ste. A4
Santa Rosa, CA 95407
Phone: (707) 585-3900
Fax: (707) 585-3908
Website: inoxpa.com
E-mail: inoxpa@sbcglobal.net
Durable, high quality, attractive pumps and valves at affordable prices.
1641 Lewis Way
Stone Mountain, GA 30083
Phone: (800) 966-8480
Fax: (770) 621-0100
Website: insect-o-cutor.com
E-mail: info@insect-o-cutor.com
Virtually all Insect-O-Cutor electronic fly killers (zappers and glueboard models) now incorporate universal voltage lamp ballasts: Increase light output and save power. Specific models available for caves, barrel rooms, bottling operations and decorative traps for tasting rooms. Latest lighting technologies are incorporated into product offerings.
8581 Lakewood Ave.
Cotati, CA 94931
Phone: (707) 795-9400
Fax: (801) 729-9400
Website: jagpublicrelations.com
E-mail: info@jagpublicrelations.com
New this year: social marketing services. We offer clear and consistent messaging.
390 S. Redwood St.
Canby, OR 97013
Phone: (503) 263-2858
Fax: (503) 263-2868
Website: jvwn.com
E-mail: tanks@jvwn.com
Terra Door pneumatic assist hinged door: safe removal of pomace in mid-sized wine tanks. Two-stage manual opening operation of out-swing rectangular door features a pilot-operated check valve for safety, heavy-duty sintered bronze hinges and a 2% TC sampling drain at collar’s low point. Easy-Lift oversized lid: spring-loaded lift action.
465 California St., Ste. 1000
San Francisco, CA 94104
Phone: (415) 434-1822
Fax: (415) 956-8502
Website: jacobssf.com
E-mail: romero@jacobssf.com
Working closely with contractors, we know the demands of underground construction environments. We create constructible, cost-effective designs, with a greater degree of efficiency than can be found elsewhere.
P.O. Box 597
Manassas, VA 2010
Phone: (703) 335-9910
Fax: (703) 574-8060
Website: jalttech.com
E-mail: info@jalttech.com
ZenPure-brand products for the wine industry. Design and supply of filtration, separation, and purification products for food and beverage applications. High-performance, cost-effective products for peak performance with a wide variety of filter elements and housings. We have filters for clarification, pre-filtration and membrane filtration for your wine processing needs.
902 Enterprise Way, Ste. O
Napa, CA 94558
Phone: (707) 256-3957
Fax: (707) 330-7099
Website: jansoncapsules.com
E-mail: sales@jansoncapsules.com
More capsules are now produced in our U.S. facility: high quality, and made in the USA.
3530 Buck Owens Blvd.
P.O. Box 668
Bakersfield, CA 93302
Phone: (800) 423-8016
Fax: (661) 324-6566
Website: jimssupply.com
E-mail: info@jimssupply.com
Galvanized barrel racks with stainless steel hoops. Look like barrel racks with benefits: galvanized with stainless steel barrel support for longer life. As always, our product is more affordable and the quality is superb. New website coming soon.
2332 Silverado Trail
Napa, CA 94558
Phone: (707) 255-2332
Fax: (707) 255-5451
Website: napamicrocrush.com
E-mail: info@napamicrocrush.com
Making handcrafted custom wines for 20 years. All-inclusive winemaking service, processing through bottling. Specializing in small lots, from one barrel up. Conveniently located on the Silverado Trail. We help grapegrowers add value to their vineyards by showcasing their fruit, an excellent marketing tool for grape sales.
505 Lopes Road
Fairfield, CA 94534
Phone: (707) 254-2000
Fax: (707) 642-2288
Website: juvenalcork.com
E-mail: salesusa@juvenalcork.com
Formerly Juvenal Direct. New Econatur corks are totally chemical-free in processing. Cork trees sustainably grown under the auspices of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), all harvested bark certified as grown under organic guidelines. Bark boiled in filtered, non-chlorinated water, cleaned using high pressure steam from de-ionized water. New Fairfield office.
350 Morris St., Ste. E
Sebastopol, CA 95472
Phone: ?(707) 823-2883
Fax: (707) 823-6954
Website: klr?machines.com
E-mail: info@klrmachines.com
Delta Vistalys optical sorter by Bucher Vaslin is the first available 100% inspection equipment for our industry. Parameters allow wineries to chose precisely which grapes to keep and which to eliminate at a greater flow rate than traditional sorting equipment.
P.O. Box 33
Mattituck, NY 11952
Phone: (800) 233-0828
Fax: (631) 298-1517
Website: kardwell.com
E-mail: joek@kardwell.com
Custom glassware printed.
800 Deere Road
Prescott, WI 54474
Phone: (715) 262-4488
Fax: (715) 262-4487
Website: kascomarine.com
E-mail: sales@kascomarine.com
Decorative fountains and aerators for ponds for more than 40 years. New 3hp and 5hp fountains with lights as an option. Each unit comes with six or seven displays that are all part of the packaged price. They ship via UPS, made in the USA, ETL approved to UL standards.
1103 Outer Loop
Louisville, KY 40219
Phone: (502) 366-5757
Fax: (502) 366-0155
Website: kelvincooperage.com
E-mail: paul@kelvincooperage.com
French and American oak barrels coopered in Louisville, Ky.; 24-month and 36-month air-dried oak. Built to order and toasted to your specifications. Toasting options, including slow toast and Hydra-Toast process. Jim Boswell and Patrick Dobbins of The Boswell Co. now represent us on the West Coast.
1942 Westlake Ave., #2512
Seattle, WA 98101
Phone: (509) 840-0368
Fax: (206) 812-4343
Website: winegrapebroker.com
E-mail: lisa@winegrapebroker.com
Supplier of premium Washington winegrape products, fresh grapes and juice. Now working with bulk wine year-round to offer more options for wineries to meet their winemaking needs.
506 S. Huron
Ypsilanti, MI 48197,
Phone: (734) 572-1300
Fax: (734) 572-0097
Website: gwkent.com
E-mail: info@gwkent.com
New 550-gallon stainless steel square tank with cooling jacket and top and side manway doors, only $3,995. Portable and stackable. New labeling machine: Primera AP-362; semi-automatic, made in America, manufacturer’s warranty, $1,595. Website updated daily: online shopping and full search capability. Large inventory: We can usually ship the same day.
150 Avery St.
Walla Walla, WA 99362
Phone: (509) 529-2161
Fax: (509) 527-1331
Website: key.net
E-mail: product.info@key.net
Designing and manufacturing equipment for the food processing industry for more than 60 years. ?Automated winegrape inspection shaker for flawless berries—not leaves, bugs, raisined clusters or other MOG. Vibratory shaker achieves impressive efficiency while producing impeccable wine. Ergonomic design, integrated, non-vibrating support rails; stainless steel construction; adjustable height.
3715 Chelan Hwy.
Wenatchee, WA 98801
Phone: (509) 663-8537
Fax: (509) 662-1023
Website: keyespackaging.com
E-mail: sakers@keyespackaging.com
Earth-friendly wine packaging made from 100% post-consumer recycled content. Easily recycled where paper and cardboard are accepted or can be added to your compost pile where it will biodegrade over time. Additive and chemical free, manufactured in the USA.
505 29th Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94121
Phone: (415) 751-6806
Fax: (415) 221-5873
Website: knoxbarrels.com
E-mail: mel@knoxbarrels.com
Please visit our new website at knoxbarrels.com.
201 Main St.
St. Helena, CA 94574
Phone: (707) 968-9194
Fax: (707) 963-1794
Website: kruegerwinetech.com
E-mail: okrueger@kruegerwinetech.com
Recently partnered with Portugese cork manufacturer CMG Lda. We can claim 100% traceability of the cork to its source. Highest quality: We sell directly to the customer and ship straight from Portugal to you for best price. Food safety management system to ISO 22000. Capping machine rental for Stelvin/Stelvin Lux.
360 E. State Parkway
Schaumburg, IL 60173-5335
Phone: (847) 755-0360
Fax: (847) 885-0996
Website: kuriyama.com
E-mail: sales@kuriyama.com
Kuri Tec series K7300 Polywire Plus, only clear PVC hose with helical wire and yarn reinforcement. Kink-resistant construction, ideal for winery transfer applications. PVC inner contact surface complies with FDA, USDA, 3A and NSF standards.
343 Elliot Place
Paramus, NJ 07652
Phone: (201) 599-0909
Fax: (201) 599-9888
Website: labelsolutions.net
E-mail: Ilana@labelsolutions.net
New West Coast office: 854 18th St., #3, Santa Monica, CA 90403. We are an independent label solutions provider with no vested interest in any manufacturer, printing technology or materials. We provide our customers with what they need, not with what we have to sell.
7778 S.W. Nimbus Ave.
Beaverton, OR 97009
Phone: (503) 646-7933
Fax: (503) 641-4728
Website: labeloneconnect.com
Fax: info@labeloneconnect.com
New processes include: flat and or dome silkscreen and letterpress printing process. Visit: labeloneconnect-blog.blogspot.com; facebook.com/pages/beaverton-or/labelone-connect-inc/91549442079?ref=ts. For sharp, clean colors and super-tight resolution, UV waterless offset is visibly superior to flexographic printing.
1097 N. Batavia St.
Orange, CA 92867
Phone: (800) 429-4321
Fax: (800) 419-1555
Website: labeltronix.com
E-mail: info@labeltronix.com
Advanced HD flexographic label printing; servo drives enabling for job set-up in minutes. Our Lean Labeling concept helps customers make quick changes while reducing overall labeling costs. Order what you need when you need it. Ice Bucket Labels withstand being immersed in water and ice.
405 St. Andrews Drive
Napa, CA 94558
Phone: (415) 613-0609
Fax: (415) 379-4486
Website: laffort.com
E-mail: charlotte.gourraud@laffort.com
Laffort USA has been created, and Charlotte Gourraud joined as technical manager. Biolees is now available in a soluble form: Biolees Instant. VR Color is a revolutionary tannin for color stabilization: pure catechic tannin with exclusive production process. Bioarom, a new yeast nutrient rich in protective components for aroma preservation.
45 Executive Court
Napa, CA 94458
Phone: (707) 258-2675
Fax: (707) 258-0558
Website: lafitte-usa.com
E-mail: info@lafitte-usa.com
Implemented autoclave sterilization system in our Portuguese plant, for positive impact on sensory aspects of our corks, including continued reduction of overall TCA levels. Certified under the Green Business Program managed by the Association of Bay Area Governments, the first cork or capsule producer in California to achieve this recognition.
P.O. Box 877
Lakeport, CA 95453
Phone: (707) 995-3421
Fax: (707) 995-3618
Website: lakecountywinegrape.org
E-mail: shannong@lakecountywinegrape.org
We sell premium, North Coast winegrapes. Mountain fruit available.
1620 Prefontaine
Montreal, Quebec H1W 2N8
Phone: (707) 526-9809
Fax: (707) 526-9803
Website: lallemandwine.us
Fax: gspecht@lallemand.com
Scott Laboratories became sole distributor of most Lallemand enological products in North America, with Enoferm enological yeast, nutrients, bacteria, Lallzyme enzymes; Proenol encapsulated yeast products. Shirley Molinari, ex-Vinquiry, joined Lallemand’s North American division, bringing her extensive technical knowledge of the line: an asset to winemakers and Lallemand alike.
47623 Fremont Blvd.
Fremont, CA 94538
Phone: (408) 262-6111
Fax: (510) 651-5551
Website: landmarklabel.com
E-mail: clientservices@landmarklabel.com
Adrian Michelle joined our sales department. We’re helping wine clients implement inventory control and anti-counterfeiting measures with the use of RFID, integrating RFID behind labels and producing B Caps to house this technology. Creativity, award winning printing, excellent service and personal attention.
P.O. Box 946
Woodbridge, CA 95258
Phone: (209) 810-2481
Fax: (209) 370-8048
E-mail: cathylauchland@sbcglobal.net
Land and vineyard sales in Northern California. California department of real estate license No. 00976929. We offer great personal service, with a long history of land and vineyard sales as well as ownership.
466 Devlin Road
Napa, CA 94558
Phone: (707) 257-5231
Fax: (707) 259-1257
Website: ledcor.com
E-mail: jeff.baptista@ledcor.com
Full design build services for all the needs of a winery. Few general contractors can offer design build services with the depth of winery experience that Ledcor has.
262 Northstar Drive
Rural Hall, NC 27045
Phone: (800) 334-6119
Website: leinbachs.com
E-mail: leinbachs@windstream.net
New Bravo 3-point sprayer from Tifone: newly designed tank and frame lower the center of gravity, providing more stability on hillsides and slopes. Diaphragm pump, adjustable fan, hot-dipped frame and fan housing, double-sided rollover nozzles and direct drive, eliminating belts and pulleys. Better components and award winning service.
9681 Rickreall Road
Rickreall, OR 97371
Phone: (886) 966-3597
Fax: (541) 924-1093
Website: lindevineyardsupply.com
E-mail: ken@lindevineyardsupply.com
We relocated to a new, larger yard. Trellising and harvest supplies to the wine and table grape industries. Domestic steel rolled-edge line posts ,wire and end posts. High quality and priced aggressively. Additional stock and greater availability.
101 Reserve Road
Hartford, CT 06114
Phone: ?(877) 812-1127
Fax: ?(860) 278-7704
Website: juicegrape.com
E-mail: sales@juicegrape.com
Fresh grapes, juices and must, bulk wine, equipment and supplies for wineries and winemakers. We specialize in sourcing and logistical handling of fresh grape products from Napa, Suisun Valley, Amador, Mendocino, Paso Robles, Lodi, Clements Hills, Central Valley, Washington and New York states, Italy and Chile.
3765 Brickway Blvd.
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
Phone: (707) 545-3280
Fax: (707) 545-3288
Website: mackenzieagency.com
E-mail: mackenzie@mackenzieagency.com
Full-service public relations firm exclusively focusing on wine and specialty foods. Headquartered in Sonoma County with an office in New York City. Clients include Charles Krug Winery, Cakebread Cellars, Prager Portworks and the DOCG Prosecco Producers. Strong reputation for consumer packaged goods marketing experience, creative public relations strategy, impeccable execution.
3005 Kishwaukee St.
Rockford, IL 61109
Phone: (800) 435-2816
Fax: (815) 229-2978
Website: posi-pour.com
E-mail: posipour1@aol.com
Patented Posi-Pour 2000 portion control pourer now comes in a variety of cork sizes and colors to fit all bottles for accurate portioning in tasting rooms, festivals and retail outlets. A “taste” should be what you want it to be. The only patented, made-in-USA portion control pourer on the market.
P.O. Box 8
Larkspur, CA 94977
Phone: (415) 302-3123
Fax: (415) 924-9040
Website: mala-usa.com
E-mail: mala4usa@ymail.com
High-end screwcaps, eco-friendly, foil embossing, relief foil embossing, many standard colors. In-stock closures with three available finishes. Custom closures. Design consultation. Closure types and sizes for magnums, miniatures, spirits carbonated beverages. Capping machine rental and sale. Flexible minimum orders, eco-friendly materials and printing techniques, removable LongCap closure for easy recycling.
751 E. Gobbi St.
Ukiah, CA 95482
Phone: (707) 463-5591
Fax: (707) 463-0188
Website: maverickcaps.com
E-mail: dwinter@maverickcaps.com
We installed our own lamination equipment, and now produce our own polylaminate material for an uninterrupted supply of raw material for our printed capsules. More flexibility and quicker turnarounds.
500 Rooster Drive
Bakersfield, CA 93307
Phone: (661) 363-6500
Fax: (661) 363-7500
Website: mazzei.net
E-mail: lburbach@mazzei.net
Wine pumpover venturi equipment; clean-in-place ozone contacting equipment; injectors for irrigation fertigation. Our new VP sales: Larry Burbach; director of global agriculture: Phil Reh. Products are engineered to winery needs.
P.O. Box 309
Occidental, CA 95465
Phone: (707) 874-9204
Fax: (707) 874-9207
Website: mccannlawoffices.com
E-mail: bwm@mccannlawoffices.com
Full legal and compliance support for growers, managers and wineries, including contract forms for vineyard leases, vineyard management, grape purchases, facilities leases and financing agreements. We keep it simple. Real world, practical advice; legal documents you can understand, from 25 years of experience in Sonoma, Napa and Mendocino counties.
2700 E. Plano Parkway
Plano, TX 75074
Phone: (469) 246-2700
Website: mcdowelllabel.com
E-mail: info@mcdowelllabel.com
More green/sustainable options to choose from, including labels and full-body 360? shrink sleeves. Sustainability initiatives/solutions incorporate a cradle to grave philosophy to educate brand owner, retailer and consumer. Shrink sleeve application services. To date, we have won more than 250 national and international awards for printing excellence.
277 Fairfield Road
Fairfield, NJ 07004
Phone: (973) 882-8333
Fax: (973) 882-5585
Website: mennekes.com
E-mail: info@mennekes.com
AMAXX power distribution enclosures available in single gang to five-gang model. One unit replaces multiple receptacle installations, saving labor, material and space. Many receptacle standards available including pin and sleeve switched and interlocked models for added safety. Customize quickly, safely and easily to suit any application.
1901 N. Kelly Road
Napa, CA 94558
Phone: (707) 226-2806
Fax: (707) 226-2894
Website: metrolabel.com
E-mail: sales@metrolabel.com
New 13-inch Xeikon X3300 Digital press; 13-inch Mark Andy Flexo Press. Certified Green Business; certified for FSC and SFI label stock printing. We’ve won county, state, national (FTA) and international recognition with the Converter Award for Sustainability and Environmental Responsibility. Greenest wine and spirits label manufacturer in North America.
6555 Pelican Creek Circle
Riverview, FL 33578
Phone: (800) 727-6768
Fax: (813) 316-4900
Website: metrohmusa.com
E-mail: info@metrohmusa.com
Wine lab instruments, applications support and method development for accurate QC results. Total acidity (TA), pH, free and total SO2, ammonia, and potassium analyses. Analyze multiple samples with the push of a button: calibration, standardization and sample analysis all completed automatically. Local service and sales personnel; 3-year warranty.
2751 Todd St.
Alameda, CA 94501
Phone: (510) 740-0220
Website: michaans.com
E-mail: info@michaans.com
Auctioneers and appraisers in the Bay Area specializing in the appraisal and sale of fine art, furniture, Asian art, decorative arts and other fine collectibles.
143 E. Napa St.
Sonoma, CA 95476
Phone: (707) 996-5600
Fax: (707) 996-4996
Website: mistralbarrels.com
E-mail: info.usa@mistralbarrels.com
Odyse Barrels, world’s only convection-toasted barrel. New: Fan system set of 10 37-inch staves stainless or plastic attachment on one end; barrel inserts, 14 pieces=70% new barrel equivalent.
2303 Camino Ramon, Ste. 270
San Ramon, CA 94583
Phone: (866) 647-3757
Fax: (925) 867-1580
Website: vintnersadvantage.com
E-mail: lisa@miscorp.com
Vintners Advantage Express Software launched as a Service (Saas) option: Run software modules for a low monthly fee on our servers. Upgrades to winery operations modules: historical and inventory inquiries, wood composition, work order improvements, easier weigh tag corrections, TTB compliance enhancement. Tasting room software handles multiple customer contacts.
5758 Hollis St.
Emeryville, CA 94608
Phone: (510) 444-9463
Fax: (510) 444-2774
Website: monvera.com
E-mail: info@monvera.com
We moved to a new facility; now offer up to six-color prints; added a second oven lehr to the production line. Shorter lead times and faster turnarounds. We can accommodate very large runs. Complimentary digital mock up: See how your paper label would look screen-printed onto the bottle.
995-G Detroit Ave.
Concord, CA 94518
Phone: (800) 600-0033
Fax: (925) 671-4978
Website: morewinepro.com
E-mail: info@morewinepro.com
Kreyer OxyBoy micro/macro oxygenation system; Kreyer VinInfo winery automation system. Kreyer’s winery automation technology is simple, durable, easy to install and the best value in the marketplace.
RR 3—1912 Concession 4
Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario L0S 1J0
Phone: (905) 468-0822
Fax: (905) 468-0344
E-mail: morivines@symapatico.ca
Producers of quality grapevines.
First Floor, 153 Greenhill Road
Parkside, South Australia 5063
Phone: +61 8 8372 9300
Fax: +61 8 8357 9400
Website: mortonblacketer.com.au
E-mail: info@mortonblacketer.com.au
CellarDoorMETRICS: a benchmarking web portal for direct-to-consumer sales from your tasting room. Track sales categories (wine, bottle, food and beverage, merchandise, etc,); benchmark against other tasting rooms. VineAccess supply chain management web portal for wineries and growers to record and share food safety and viticulture data for their crop.
1605 Alton Road
Birmingham, AL 35210
Phone: (800) 526-9328
Fax: (205) 957-5290
Website: motionindustries.com
E-mail: linda.price@motion-ind.com
Leading industrial parts distributor of bearings, power transmission, electrical and industrial automation, hydraulic and industrial hose, hydraulic and pneumatic components, process pumps and equipment, industrial supplies and material handling. Use our e-commerce site to locate and order needed parts or services. Access to more than 3.7 million replacement parts 24/7/365.
1895 W. Jefferson St.
Springfield, OH 45506
Phone: (877) 486-6966
Fax: (937) 327-3177
Website: moyno.com
E-mail: mipinfo@moyno.com
Portable Moyno progressing cavity pumps for must transfer and other winery applications: must, juice/crushed grape transfer, wine racking, fines/solids transfer, filtration, barrel filling, pumpovers. Less must damage, gentle pumping action eliminates incompatibility issues; low shear rates, non-pulsating flows. Can be cart/skid mounted. Available in 304/316 SS; open throat hopper flexibility.
P.O. Box 828
Springfield, MO 65801-0828
Phone: (800) 683-5537
Fax: (417) 575-9669
Website: muel.com
E-mail: processing@muel.com
New: 75-gallon stainless steel wine barrels. Age wines without adding oak; use whatever ratio of oak-to-steel barrel you want without sacrificing complexity. Age smaller lots of different yeasts or vineyards in both steel and oak barrels, blend as desired. Make a white wine without oak; micro-manage how it develops.
250 Airside Drive
Airside Business Park
Moon Township, PA 15108
Phone: (412) 809-6000
Fax: (412) 809-6075
Website: nawatersystems.com
E-mail: water.info@veoliawater.com
Turnkey wastewater treatment technologies and services. Neil McAdam is our new sales director for the food and beverage industry. Our brands for biological treatment are AnoxKaldnes moving bed bioreactor, Biothane anaerobic systems, and NEOSEP immersed membrane bioreactor. OPUS removes TDS; recently patented AMDRO is applicable for acidic industrial wastewater streams.
P.O. Box 798
Calistoga, CA 94515
Phone: (707) 942-9301
Fax: (707) 942-5037
Website: nadalie.com
E-mail: info@nadalie.com
Barrels and adjuncts from our own mills in the U.S. and France; woods seasoned a minimum of two years. We oak-fire toast all our oak add-ins.
1075 Golden Gate Drive
Napa, CA 94558
Phone: (707) 254-1985
Fax: (707) 254-2092
Website: barrelcare.com
E-mail: info@barrelcare.com
NBC was certified in 2008 by Demeter to store both organic and Biodynamic wines. We focus on wine barrel storage for bonded and virtual wineries. We manage all government reporting and provide you with accurate and timely operations reports.
P.O. Box 193
St. Helena, CA 94574
Phone: (707) 963-2025
Fax: (707) 963-5220
Website: napavalleywritersbureau.com
E-mail: daphne@daphnelarkin.com
Daphne Larkin and Sasha Paulsen launched NVWB in September to provide wineries with a variety of writing services. Professional writers and Napa Valley residents. For press kits, press releases, website copy, social media content, marketing collateral, brochures, white papers, a ghost writer or simply great advice, contact us.
P.O. Box 850
Napa, CA 94599
Phone: (707) 224-6400
Fax: (707) 224-1613
Website: napawoodenbox.com
E-mail: wally@napawoodenbox.com
We now provide professional design services: concept ideation, illustration, modeling and brand enhancement. Napa Wooden Box strives to manufacture products and provide service that is beyond the expectation of our customers.
17890 Idyllwild Lane—SVL 9201
Victorville, CA 92395
Phone: (760) 843-3674
Fax: (760) 955-9654,
Website: nfmfilter.com
E-mail: bgilbert@nfm-filter.com
Improved filter media for plate and frame filters and lees filters. Rescreening service for all brands of pressure filter screens; new screens manufactured. We also manufacture new plates for all brands of lees filter units.
755 Skyway Court
Napa, CA 94558
Phone: (707) 642-6800
Fax: (707) 642-6814
Website: neocork.com
E-mail: sales@neocork.com
Patented Neocork brand co-extruded closure introduces three new products for 2010 with engineered permeability rates. Neocork Ultra, New Classic and Value closures offer proven mechanical performance with three distinctive OTRs and price-points. to Improved OTRs and sensory. Competitively priced and offering more consistent bottling line and extraction force performance.
500 Diller Ave.
New Holland, PA 17557
Phone: (866) 639-4563
Website: newholland.com/na
E-mail: na.topservice@newholland.com
Narrow T4000V Series tractors fit between tightest vineyard rows: Minimum width 42.5 to 49 inches. Available 2WD or 4WD; ample horsepower and hydraulic flow. Meet Tier III emissions standards with 4-cylinder engines, turbocharged and intercooled; low emissions, fuel efficient. Exceptionally long wheelbase provides stability, better traction; smoother, more comfortable ride.
531 Stone Road
Benicia, CA 94510
Phone: (707) 746-5704
Fax: (707) 746-7471
Website: corksupply.com
E-mail: csu@corksupply.com
Finest quality screwcaps, widest choice for alternative wine packaging. Superior materials, exquisite workmanship, unparalleled quality control, full customization: e.g. six-color top and side printing, top embossing, side shaving, Saranex or Saran/tin liners, standard or reform applications. Explore online at corksupply.com.
40 Carriage Hill Lane
Fredericksburg, VA 22407
Phone: (540) 898-0971
Fax: (540) 898-3057
Website: nichollsauction.com
E-mail: info@nichollsauction.com
Accelerated marketing firm specializing in real estate sales via auction. More than 95% success rate of sales during 40 years. We can market and sell your property within 30-60 days, and close it in another 30 days. World champion auctioneers and marketing staff generate more interest and qualified bidders.
400 Vintage Park Drive
Zebulon, NC 27597
Phone: (877) 666-2200
Fax: (919) 269-3200
Website: nomacorc.com
E-mail: info@nomacorc.com
Worldwide leader in alternative wine closures. Manufacturing facilities in the United States, Belgium, Austria and China produce more than 2 billion closures annually. Working with renowned wine research institutes worldwide, industry leader in research on oxygen management in wine. For more information, visit nomacorc.com. Patented co-extrusion process, 100% recyclable closures.
1550 Airport Blvd., Ste. 201
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
Phone: (707) 526-4500
Fax: (707) 526-0308
Website: nordby.net
E-mail: saraaires@nordby.net
Full service general contractor specializing in wineries, wine caves, tasting rooms, production facilities, barrel storage, full underground wineries, and hospitality facilities. Current projects: Goldeneye, Merriam and a full underground winery facility in Los Gatos, Calif. Website showcases many projects and our philosophy as builders.
P.O. Box 598
Kelseyville, CA 95451
Phone: (707) 278-0405
E-mail: (707) 278-0482
Website: novawinegrapebrokers.com
E-mail: jsmith@saber.net
Full service wine, grape and juice brokering company maintaining personal relations with both growers and wineries. If you need it, we will find it.
470 Technology Way
Napa, CA 94558
Phone: 707 224 3066
Fax: 707 224 3077
Website: nukorc.com
E-mail: sales@nukorc-usa.com
Research and development ensures our closures are always improving. Research into oxygen transfer rate led to a new closure, Fresh, which maintains attributes of our current closure combined with lower oxygen transmission. The closure’s structure is finer and more consistent. These changes brought marked improvement in oxygen barrier characteristics.
O. C. INC.
306 W. North St.
Waverly, OH 45690
Phone: (740) 947-4159
Fax: (740) 947-4155
Website: oakchipsinc.com
E-mail: ocinc@zoom?net.net
New product this year: Infusion tubes, stainless.
2557 Napa Valley Corporate Drive, Ste. D
Napa, CA 94558
Phone: (707) 259-4988
Fax: (707) 255-5952
Website: oaksolutionsgroup.com
E-mail: info@oaksolutionsgroup.com,
New enoCUBES: a combination of oak cubes blended to bring out the greatest in each enological stage. White and red fermentation blends add structure and lift fruit characters, improves body; added oak tannins protect from oxidation. Aging blends; white and red finishing blends; sample kits available.
2557 Napa Valley Corporate Drive, Ste. D
Napa, CA 94558
Phone: (707) 259-4988
Fax: (707) 255-5952
Website: oaksolutionsgroup.com
E-mail: info@oaksolutionsgroup.com
After 10 years of research we launched Tru/Tan line of gallo and ellagic-tannins. Blends are created using oak directly sourced from the same premium forest regions as fine French oak barrels. Oak is precisely toasted, extracted and blended into three formulas: Fermentation finishing; vinification formula; reserve formula. Trial kits available.
4728 Bennett Valley Road
Santa Rosa, CA 95404
Phone: (707) 318-0002
Fax: (707) 566-4757
Website: oaktradition.com
E-mail: pmichel@oaktradition.com
Oak Tradition is the U.S. agent for OakTan, a French and American concentrate oak powder that dissolves immediately in wine. Correct wine that needs an oak push before bottling. Fix color, add structure or eliminate vegetative notes during fermentation. It’s new to our line: barrels, barrels alternatives, casks, tanks, barrel racks.
1540 Route 37 W.
Toms River, NJ 08755
Phone: (732) 240-4993
Fax: (732) 505-9388
Website: oceansofwine.com
E-mail: shaunh@oceansofwine.com
We specialize in fresh winegrapes, juices, and bulk wine from California and Argentina’s prestigious wine regions. We deliver the freshest grapes to your winery, wine club or home winemaking facility, and import fresh Argentinian winegrapes to our East Coast storage facility, where they are available for crush every spring.
746 Broadway
Sonoma, CA 95476
Phone: (707) 939-1001
Website: oculuscreative.com
E-mail: mjallen@oculuscreative.com
Traditional design and new media tools to create compelling, integrated branding solutions with measured success. Services from logo design, collateral materials, print advertising, packaging and environmental graphic design to website and e-marketing programs. Insight, strategy, creativity and new technology to achieve highly successful results.
1260 N. Dutton Ave., Ste. 240
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
Phone: (707) 546-2213
Fax: (707) 542-6364
Website: oenodev.com
E-mail: cd@oenodev.com
Siryel digital pen simplifies sensory analysis. Record tasting scores with a digital camera, download to computer. Extensive data analysis with online access to the results. Dyostem grape maturity monitoring system helps create more consistent wine profiles: Measures sugar loading of grapes over time, optimizes picking date for desired wine profile.
935 Vintage Ave.
St. Helena, CA 94574
Phone: (707) 963-3537
Fax: (707) 963-8217
Website: ogletreecorp.com
E-mail: speers@ogletreecorp.com
New post-destemmer grape separator: efficient sorting through a series of easily changeable screens for different varieties. Products and services include bin dumpers, hoists, conveyors, hoppers, catwalk, process piping and equipment maintenance. All can be integrated for production facilities of all sizes.
125 Spring St.
Gaithersburg, MD 20877
Phone: (800) 977-1117
Fax: (301) 977-7032
Website: oldestraditionspice.com
E-mail: rdspice@aol.com
New this year: Mulling spice for wine, fruit juice; all natural, no sugar, salt or preservatives. Cut, blended, put in tea bags for convenient use; five-year shelf-life. Eight- and 24-bag boxes. New flavored mulling spice: peach, lemon and orange flavors, available separately or in mixed cases.
P.O. Box 659
Palermo, CA 95966
Phone: (530) 533-8811
Fax: (530) 533-8817
Website: olivetreemover.com
E-mail: olivetrees@jps.net
Mature specimen olive trees for your Mediteraean-style vineyard, B & B or winery.Heritage, old, twisted trunks wonderful to uplight or twinkle. Specialty curing varieties for your tasting room. Quality trees, period.
N118 W18748 Bunsen Drive
Germantown, WI 53022
Phone: (888) 837-4288
Website: optek.com
E-mail: wine@optek.com
Optek Control 4000 and Haze Control converters now available with a PROFIBUS PA (Process Automation) interface. Digitally connects multiple field instruments via one cable, integrates them into a single control system. Combined with Optek inline photometer or DT9011 Lab turbidity meter to monitor solids concentration, color, turbidity, haze, clarification, filtration.
Harrisburg, NC 28075
Phone: (888) 755-0098
Website: orchardvalleysupply.com
E-mail: info@orchardvalleysupply.com
Vineyard pest management tool kit—fungicide, insecticide and herbicide guides—display all the up-to-date information you need in a handy at-a-glance chart format. Vineyard monofilament wire replaces conventional steel wires for easier application and shipping. America’s choice for vineyards, wineries, and orchards. No vines...No wines...Just everything in between.
5195 Fermi Drive
Fairfield, CA 94534
Phone: (707) 646-7417
Website: o-i.com
E-mail: wine@o-i.com
O-I glass containers deliver many of the best-known products around the world. Leading manufacturer of consumer-preferred, 100% recyclable glass containers, with 82 manufacturing facilities in 22 countries. We work with our customers to provide best wine packaging options. Constantly updated portfolio of wine bottles to meet market trends.
1650 Almar Parkway
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
Phone: (707) 573-3141
Fax: (707) 573-3140
Website: pnlspecialties.com
E-mail: sales@pnlspecialties.com
Patented LT MOG removal machine: New, 35-plus ton per hour throughput machine made for an Eastern Washington winery. Three new versions of picking lug washing machine were released: all conserve water. New destemmer feed conveyor released for customers processing less than 3 tons per hour with very even delivery.
P.O. Box 751
Springfield, OR 97477
Phone: (503) 419-7942
Fax: (510) 764-9713
Website: pacificwinemaking.com
E-mail: info@pacificwinemaking.com
Crush pad equipment; Filtrox filtration products (consumables and equipment), movable cooling bands for fermenters and storage tanks; fermentation products from Burgundia Oenologie for Pinot Noir and Chardonnay; yeast isolates for Italian varietals; fermentation and finishing tannins. New location in Springfield, Ore.
9939 W. Emerald, Bldg. C
Boise, ID 83704
Phone: (208) 489-9010
Fax: (208) 441-7426
Website: paksense.com
E-mail: info@paksense.com
Ultra wireless labels: Wirelessly download time and temperature information, analyze data before unloading perishable products. Activated and applied to packaging before shipping. Collect data from any label within a 300-foot line-of-sight range range. Download details for e-mail, records. Environmentally friendly and recyclable.
2523 J St., Ste. 201
Sacramento, CA 95816
Phone: (916) 446-9500
Fax: (916) 446-9515
Website: paksource.com
E-mail: glenn@paksource.com
New green wine shippers: full line of natural Kraft corrugated shippers. WineShield packaging (patent pending) is 100% recycled, 100% recyclable, 100% biodegradable and 100% compostable, quick and easy to use. Available in 1,2,3,4,6, and 12 packs for 750ml; one-bottle magnum and two-bottle 375ml shippers. Stronger, more durable than competitive materials.
25 Harbor Park Drive
Port Washington, NY 11050
Phone: (866) 905-7255
Fax: (516) 625-3610
Website: pall.com
E-mail: foodandbeverage@pall.com
Oenofil automated cartridge filtration system for cold microbiological stabilization of wine, installed upstream of the bottling line for flow rates > 40 gpm. Also controls washing and sanitization of filler and auxiliary equipment. SUPRApak depth modules: multiple sheets wrap around a central permeable core for compact, high capacity, easy-to-change modules
575 W. College Ave.
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
Phone: (707) 576-7653
Fax: (707) 576-8190
Website: personnelperspective.com
E-mail: carolyns@personnelperspective.com
Recruiting key professionals for wine industry clients; developing relationships with impressive candidates in anticipation of upcoming needs. Customized management training programs. New program: Engaged Workforce Solution, for employees, supervisors and leaders; supports retention of key contributors; teaches management skills. All trainings also available in Spanish.
847 McCaffrey
St. Laurent, Ontario H4T 1N3
Phone: (514) 487-6660
Fax: (514) 661-6481
Website: phoenixpackaging.com
E-mail: info@phoenixpackaging.com
Customized glass bottles for smaller MOQ and low mold costs. Greater variety of colors for ceramic bottles. Specialty labels made out of leather and metal. Few of our competitors are capable and/or willing to create new bottle shapes for low MOQs. None offer ceramics as an alternative to glass.
888 Post St.
San Francisco, CA 94109
Phone: (415) 474-1588
Fax: (415) 474-1617
Website: winerystuff.com
E-mail: contact@winerystuff.com
New from Suber-Lefort Australia: “finishing” French oak products to impart and refine oak aromatics after fermentation, prior to bottling. Three-year aged oak, soft structure, no harsh tannins, excellent mouthfeel, roundness, volume, length. Five 11-pound infusion bags packed in 55-pound bag, available from local stocks.
151 S. Worthen
Wenatchee, WA 98801
Phone: (888) 223-2600
Fax: (888) 223-3600
Website: pinnacle-finance.com
E-mail: dhodson@pinnaclecap.com
If your business needs capital, look no further than Pinnacle. Helping businesses succeed is our specialty. We specialize in financing all types of equipment. With the credit window changing every day, it’s comforting to know we can still help finance your new or used equipment purchase.
1754 2nd St., Ste. C
Napa, CA 94559
Phone: (707) 251-9884
Fax: (707) 251-9884
Website: plumbline.com
E-mail: dom@plumbline.com
More than just a design firm; hardly a classic ad agency: A brand communications studio specializing in brand development, package and website design and development, advertising, more. Creative and effective solutions to our clients’ marketing needs. See what we’ve done for others. Or discover what we can do for you.
3301 Gateway Centre Blvd.
Pinellas Park, FL 33782
Phone: (727) 578-5000
Website: polypack.com
E-mail: info@polypack.com
TANGO-24L: Affordable print registration shrink wrapper; modular construction; five different infeeds. Starting at $75,000, allows smaller companies to compete with the big guys. Modular flexibility; runs both print registered and clear film at an extremely competetive price-point.
1710 Soscol Ave., Ste. 5
Napa, CA 94559
Phone: (707) 257-0714
Fax: (707) 257-0742
Website: premierwinecask.com
E-mail: info@premierwinecask.com
Exclusive North American representative for Tonnellerie Dargaud & Jaeglé (D&J) and Marcel Cadet. D & J unique water-bending process conducts heat from an oak fire deeply into the wood for subtle spiciness. Worldwide representative for Barrel Associates International American Oak Collection, and representative for Innovative Rack System LLC and BiBung.
9440 W. Main Road
North East, PA 16428
Phone: (814) 725-1314
Fax: (814) 725-2092
E-mail: debbiel@piwine.com
More than 45 years of experience serving our customers’ winemaking needs.
9630 Ridgehaven Court
San Diego, CA 92014
Phone: (800) 560-8213
Fax: (858) 560-1473
Website: pgiwine.com
E-mail: burke@pgiwine.com
New website. Upgraded Indigo digital presses; foil and embossing capabilities; tactile and raised inks; Wine Remind pull-off tabs; Temperature Smart labels. Ecologically intelligent innovations reduce negative environmental impact; carbon offset program to become carbon neutral by 2012. Our labels will always work well with your labeling equipment.
Three Embarcadero Center
San Francisco, CA 94111
Phone: (415) 498-6270
Fax: (813) 329-2160
Website: pwc.com
E-mail: greg.scott@us.pwc.com
Business advisors to some of the most innovative companies in the wine and vineyard industry. Uniquely positioned to assist with addressing the challenges facing your business. Our wine and vineyard practice is the leading provider of audit, tax and business advisory services to the Northern California wine and vineyard industry.
Two Carlson Parkway N.
Plymouth, MN 55447
Phone: (763) 475-6676
Fax: (763) 475-6677
Website: primeralabel.com
E-mail: sales@primera.com
AP-Series label applicators: semi-automatic labeling for wine bottles. Simple set-up; foot switch applies labels; built-in spring-loaded pressure arm applies labels firmly and wrinkle-free. Apply labels that you’ve printed on Primera’s LX-Series label printers.
480 Aviation Blvd.
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
Phone: (707) 284-2888
Fax: (707) 284-2894
Website: radouxcooperage.com
E-mail: rx.usa@radoux-usa.com
Nektar Fresh: Dried (not toasted) French oak granulates for maceration of red wines and fermentation of red and white wines. Reduce vegetal characteristics; protect against oxidation; stabilize color, provide volume, roundness and sweetness; reduce astringency. Premium American oak staves: Tight grain Minnesota oak 24 month naturally air-dried.
150 N. Michigan Ave., #2920
Chicago, IL 60601
Phone: (312) 781-5180
Fax: (312) 781-5188
Website: mdna.com
E-mail: info@mdna.com
March 21-23, 2010, the fairgrounds in Düsseldorf, Germany, will host ProWein International Trade Fair for Wines and Spirits. More than 30,000 trade visitors from some 40 countries; 3,000 exhibitors from around the globe. Leading trade fair for wine and spirits worldwide; most comprehensive overview of this industry.
510 Caletti Ave.
Windsor, CA 95492
Phone: (707) 837-2721
Fax: (707) 837-2733
Website: qualitystainless.com
E-mail: winetanks@aol.com
Stainless material costs follow the economy: Tank prices at or near all-time lows. Largest selection of in-stock/ready to ship tanks; 11 models. Owner Rick Dapelo returned to the helm. Twenty new custom external finish patterns; multiple styles of custom juice/seed screens for new or retrofitted tanks. Custom top doors.
1808 Harmon St.
Berkeley, CA 94703
Phone: ?(510) 547-6464
Fax: (510) 547-3620
Website: go.to/randd
Wine industry products primarily for government-mandated tests. Leading supplier of this type of product in the Americas and possibly the world: shipments to Canada, Mexico, Chile, Argentina, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, China, Israel, Portugal. We sell directly to end-users and through distributors (a number of whom have been added this year). Glassware repair business with “immediate turn-around” commitments to wineries. We do not charge extra for expedited orders.
1017 White Horse Pike
Egg Harbor, NJ 08215
Phone: (609) 965-0074
Fax: (609) 965-2509
Website: rlsequipment.com
E-mail: rls.equip@att.net
Amos Distribution vibratory sorting tables; Magitec A5 destemmer crusher—square-holed basket, extremely gentle destemming, customizable, easily adjusted. Perfect for smaller wineries or low production hand sorts. Domestically manufactured OEM material membranes for all makes, models and size presses at significant savings.
875 Mahler Road, #252
Burlingame, CA 94010
Phone: (650) 204-6010
Website: rsexpress.com
E-mail: chris.kammer@rsexpress.com
Expanded international logistics service: representing 56 countries. ISF (10+2) abilities support customers with change in U.S customs regulations that started Jan. 26, 2009. Complete door-to-door service. A single phone call will get everything done for handling import or export of wine products and machinery.
105A Zinfandel Lane
St. Helena, CA 94574
Phone: (707) 963-4520
Fax: (707) 963-4521
Website: ranchwinery.com
E-mail: info@ranchwinery.com
Our facility is CCOF-certified for winemaking and bottling of wine. We can process fruit from out of county with no restrictions on quantity. We have a 30,000-ton permit and we can have 12 million gallons of wine on site. We have a gourmet kitchen and grounds for entertaining.
1148 St.-Michel St.
St-Césaire, Québec J0L 1T0
Phone: (450) 469-4822
Fax: (450) 469-2112
Website: raynoxinc.com
E-mail: lchartrand@raynoxinc.com
Three new fruit presses; stackable forkliftable tanks; punchdown fermentors.We always carry stock tanks and continue to build quality custom tanks. We import more equipment to be a complete supplier. We offer the best customer service and continuous improvement at production level ensures very competitive pricing.
2010 Barlow Lane
Sebastopol, CA 95472
Phone: (707) 829-7103
Fax: (707) 824-0365
Website: recoop.net
E-mail: info@recoop.net
ReCoop’s mission: Double the useful life or our customers’ barrels, while ensuring their ability to produce excellent wine. Enjoy the respect and visibility of supporting green manufacturing and still pick up those awards at the end of the day. Experience, knowledge, commitment to the environment. Not barrel shavers: barrel recoopers.
P.O. Box 969
Garden Valley, CA 95633
Phone: (530) 333-4579
Website: rwinc.us
E-mail: inquiries@rwinc.us
Wastewater recycling equipment: Reclaim high quality, useable water from wastewater.Equipment leases and services. Convert winery wastewater to low TDS, high quality useable water for landscape or vineyard irrigation; barrel, tank, and equipment washing. Reduce your wastewater discharge by up to 90%.
920 S. Andreasen Drive, #103
Escondido, CA 92029
Phone: (877) 905-2668
Fax: (760) 746-9605
Website: redbackboots.com
E-mail: charlie@redbackboots.com
New waterproof leather steel toe slip-on boot uses the same anatomic support concept as classic Redbacks with added steel toe for extra safety. Redback boots are tried and tested by wineries all over the world. They are the originals.
4407 Martinsburg Pike
Clear Brook, VA 22624
Phone: (540) 662-3811
Fax: (540) 665-8101
Website: reimersinc.com
E-mail: sales@reimersinc.com
New RBH45, 45kw boiler: more steam from a compact boiler. Barrel and line cleaning; 50% more power than standard 30kw boiler. Available for any 3-phase power supply. A.S.M.E.,UL, CSD-1, National Board inspected. Low water cutoff, high pressure cutoff and high water alarm.
88 Goodwin Circle
Hartford, CT 06105
Phone: (203) 681-7743
Website: reliablecorksolutions.com
E-mail: reliablecork@gmail.com
Cork from a family-owned company; no middlemen. Portuguese partner owns a vineyard/winery in the Douro, so we understand what is needed for proper bottling of quality wines. We manufacture all natural wine corks from Flor to fourth grade, plus Champagne stoppers, agglomerated, colmated and twin tops.
531 Stone Road
Benicia, CA 94510
Phone: (707) 747-3630
Fax: (707) 746-7471
Website: corksupply.com
E-mail: csu@corksupply.com
Rivercap capsules cover more than 500 million bottles per year for thousands of wineries. Premium tin and polylam capsules. Explore online or visit our showroom. Full range of stock and custom colors, limitless top-emboss and side-print designs. Innovative custom packaging for any priced wine. Expert customer service and technical support.
P.O. Box 39
Emmett, ID 83617
Phone: (800) 750-4553
Fax: (208) 355-0103
Website: rodenator.com
E-mail: geninfo@rodenator.com
E. B. Meyer Inc., dba Meyer Industries, manufacturer of Rodenator pest control products. Currently in two different models; by the end of 2009, we’ll introduce Rodenator R3. Our new, larger facility serves domestic and international customers with quicker service, bigger production capabilities, and faster shipping.
2980 Bayshore Road
Benicia, CA 94510
Phone: (707) 745-6979
Fax: (707) 745-2793
Website: ruszelwoodworks.com
E-mail: mail@ruszelwoodworks.com
Wooden POP displays, table tents and other POS made from 100% recycled redwood. We’ve always been environmentally conscious; in the last year we found many new uses for the material in very attractive finished products. We use recycled redwood fence boards from a local vendor.
2732 Country Club Road
Yadkinville, NC 27011
Phone: (336) 679-6244
Fax: (336) 679-3158
Website: sandhfarmandvineyardsupply.com
E-mail: info@ragapple?lassie.com
Full line of vineyard supplies. Every purchase comes with free access to the knowledge and wisdom of vineyard guru Frank Hobson.
20 Leveroni Court
Novato, CA 94949
Phone: (415) 883-7657
Fax: (415) 382-2170
Website: spgsolar.com
E-mail: tina.barni@spgsolar.com
Most experienced developer, designer, and installer of solar photovoltaic (PV) systems for homes, businesses, large-scale commercial and government facilities. Highest-performing solar PV systems; highest return on investment. Clean, reliable electricity that reduces or eliminates customers’ electric utility costs. The most effective solar energy solutions.
2600 Stanford Court
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (707) 437-8700
Fax: (707) 437-8741
Website: sgcontainers.com
E-mail: marketing@saint-gobain.com
Glass container supplier to American wineries, with a legacy of product innovation, craftsmanship and customer attention. This year, we introduced the ECO series. This innovative series of bottles maintains quality and attributes associated with the customers’ glass container needs, while reducing overall impact on the environment.
2550 S. East Ave., Ste. 101 B
Fresno, CA 93706
Phone: (559) 233-7116
Fax: (559) 233-7172
Website: sanitarystainlesswelding.com
E-mail: jimm@sanitarystainless.com
Specialist in stainless steel tanks, shop or field erected; tank repair; piping; conveyors and catwalks.
P.O. Box 518
1400 Airport Blvd.
Santa Rosa, CA 95402
Phone: (707) 544-7777
Fax: (707) 544-6316
Website: srss.com
E-mail: rod@srss.com
Higher quality finishes, more options in weld finishes and tank shell finishes. Our delestage-style tank is very popular among winemakers; its unique design offers gentle pressure while lowering phenoloics. Our 40-year-old company is going strong in today’s economy. We plan to be here for the next 40 years.
P.O. Box 62
Rutherford, CA 94573
Phone: (707) 944-1330
Fax: (707) 944-1370
Website: sauryusa.com
E-mail: info@sauryusa.com
This year we’ve added two new sales reps and even more customized barrel options. Unique wine barrels handmade on-site in France using Center of France certified oak.
860 Napa Valley Corporate Way
Napa, CA 94558
Phone: (707) 259-2930
Fax: (707) 259-2933
Website: saverglass.com
E-mail: mee@saverglass.com
New president/CEO: Jean-Pierre Giovanni; new CFO: Kevin Goulding; new area sales manager Melinda Elledge joins area sales managers Sylvie Langlois and Petra Gillier, Napa, and Doug Thompson, Ramsey, N.J. New ecoDesign line: lighter, environment-friendly glass packaging. French manufacturer/decorator of premium glass packaging; innovative design, exceptional quality and performance, sustainable development.
305 Hilltown Road
Salinas, CA 93908
Phone: (831) 455-9990
Fax: (831) 455-9998
Website: scheidwinery.com
E-mail: info@scheidvineyards.com
Custom crush clients receive Internet access to CellarWatch, for real-time access to weigh tags, load photos, lab analysis, inventories and clickable tank maps for their grapes and wines as they move through our winery. Winemakers Database winery management system complements our Monterey County high-end grape, wine and processing service.
200 W. North Ave.
Northlake, IL 60164
Phone: (708) 562-7290
Fax: (708) 409-9346
Website: scholle.com
E-mail: schollena@scholle.com
Pioneer of bag-in-box. New website with updated information and insight into bag-in-box and how ?it can refresh your brand. Technologically advanced, protective wine bags, highest oxygen barrier films, FlexTap push-button tap. A value-added by-the-glass wine experience: Every glass as fresh as the first.
P.O. Box 4559
Petaluma, CA 94955
Phone: (707) 765-6666
Fax: (707) 765-6674
Website: scottlab.com
E-mail: info@scottlab.com
New office in Healdsburg, Calif.: a 4,500-square-foot facility at 190 Foss Creek Circle, Ste. G, stocking our traditional fermentation portfolio from Lallemand, Laffort, Anchor and Fordras. We also added 12,000 square feet and a wine analysis laboratory at 2277 Pine View in Petaluma, near our main facility.
511 Speedway Drive
Enon, OH 45323
Phone: (937) 864-7150
Fax: (937) 864-7157
Website: seepex.com
E-mail: mdillon@seepex.net
Our re-engineered, low-cost wobble stator pumps for commercial applications have improved performance: Flexible stator has increased elastic properties that improve volumetric efficiencies and longevity by reducing slip and friction at higher pressures. Improved mechanical efficiency. Easily mounted on carts, great for general transfer in wineries.
97 Fall St.
Seneca Falls, NY 13148
Phone: (315) 568-9404
Fax: (315) 568-9636
Website: senecayuga.com
E-mail: senecayuga@aol.com
New location in downtown Seneca Falls. We specialize in country, lake, farm, residential and commercial properties, serving the Finger Lakes area. Member of four multiple listings services: Ithaca, Elmira-Corning, Greater Rochester and Greater Syracuse, and soon will be joining the Binghamton MLS. No one exceeds our marketing plan.
5707 W. Minnesota St.
Indianapolis, IN 46241
Phone: (317) 484-3745
Fax: (317) 484-3755
Website: separatorsinc.com
E-mail: separate@sepinc.com
North America’s leading centrifuge service provider, remanufacturing Alfa Laval and Westfalia centrifuge equipment. Start-up, maintenance, repair services; stocks of over 10,000 parts with 24/7 availability. One-stop shopping for Alfa and Westfalia equipment offering both O.E.M. and aftermarket parts.
1877 Broadway, Ste. 703
Boulder, CO 80302
Phone: (888) 449-5285
Fax: (720) 528-7942
Website: shipcompliant.com
E-mail: info@shipcompliant.com
ShipCompliant Wholesale intelligent software tracks state rules, analyzes invoices to ensure required distributor relationships are in place, products properly registered, licenses valid, product prices consistent, posted prices and product limits not exceeded. EasyWineLicensing.com online resource for wineries to obtain direct shipping licenses/renewals easily. Start shipping as soon as six weeks.
181 Thorn Hill Road
Warrendale, PA 15086
Phone: (800) 466-7873
Website: water.siemens.com
E-mail: foodandbeverage.water@siemens.com
Water and wastewater treatment equipment ?and solutions for the wine industry. Proven experience and industry expertise. We can assist in providing solutions for your water and wastewater treatment issues from pretreatment, membrane filtration, biological wastewater treatment to water reuse processes.
295 Convair Ave.
Chico, CA 95973
Phone: (530) 894-0202
Fax: (530) 894-0781
Website: sierramfg.com
E-mail: sales@sierramfg.com
SMI Scalper Shaker with jack stems, fines removal without personnel; SMI Lift and Dump with liquid-tight attachment bin dumper—zero juice loss during dumping; loaded at floor level; no need for a forklift. On-site equipment maintenance services for pre-crush preparations.
3433 Westwind Blvd.
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
Phone: (707) 636-2530
Website: masilva.com
E-mail: greg@masilva.com
Environmental stewardship was our focus in 2009. First cork company to partner in PG&E’s ClimateSmart program: Offseting greenhouse gas emissions from our energy use. Recognized with a Green Business Certification for Sonoma County.
4900 S. Kilbourn Ave.
Chicago, IL 60632
Phone: (773) 884-1513
Fax: (773) 735-7257
Website: skolnik.com
E-mail: jason@skolnikl.com
New 55-gallon seamless 304 stainless steel wine barrel; crevice-free interior; top and bottom foot rings for additional protection; easier to clean with more functionality and longevity. Our new website offers wine customers enhanced features and a user-friendly resource section.
14040 Santa Fe Trail Drive
Lenexa, KS 66215
Phone: (913) 888-5201
Fax: (913) 894-0488
Website: smithandloveless.com
E-mail: answers@smithandloveless.com
Wine industry’s leading advanced wastewater treatment systems. Systems include Wiinery FAST and Titan MBR (membrane bioreactor): small footprint, simplified maintenance, superior effluent (treated water) quality. Flat-plate membrane design is superior to hollow-fiber membranes, which can clog. Significant experience working with large and small wineries. Contact: Don Aholt or Steve Smith.
2453 Atwood Ave.
Madison, WI 53704
Phone: (877) 950-7645
Fax: (608) 442-0657
Website: soilinfo.com
E-mail: info@soilinfo.com
Soil Information System (SIS): Collect information in timeframe, resolution, format useful for making management decisions, driving variable rate technologies, running crop, nutrient and hydrological models. Digital soil information for printed maps and reports, inputs to variable rate controllers, or custom format. Proprietary equipment and technology: greater speed, flexibility, accuracy, consistency.
285-D Bel Marin Keys Blvd.
Novato, CA 94949
Phone: (415) 382-7717
Fax: (415) 382-0592
Website: solarcraft.com
E-mail: kburnett@solarcraft.com
Full service solar electric, pool heating, hot water installations to residential and commercial customers. Marin County Certified Green Business. New Sonoma office. Call for a free consultation; celebrating 25 years.
3637 Westwind Blvd.
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
Phone: (707) 522-5860
Fax: (707) 522-5866,
Website: sonomawinegrape.org
E-mail: info@sonomawinegrape.org
Buyers of winegrapes and bulk wine can find Sonoma County grapes and wines on the Grape Marketplace on the commission website. Search by variety, American Viticulture Area, rootstock or clone. The Grape Marketplace is the most complete listing of Sonoma County grapes for sale.
80 Maiden Lane, Ste. 310
New York, NY 10038
Phone: (212) 477-9800
Fax: (212) 473-4315
Website: sopexa.com
E-mail: april.sack@sopexa.com
Strategically focused communications plans for clients across all marketing disciplines. Representing Bordeaux (CIVB), Wines of Southwest France (IVSO), Inter Beaujolais, others. Member Sopexa Group, with 35 offices in 28 countries. Integrated knowledge of French food and drinks sector, experience in international markets, PR expertise: key partner for agribusiness industry professionals.
415-A Kunzler Ranch Road
Ukiah, CA 95482
Phone: (707) 255-6718
Fax: (707) 255-6719
Website: sparflex.com
E-mail: rui.eduardo@sparflex.com
We manufacture our capsules locally, and have expanded our Ukiah plant to double production capacity. We have added digital printing capability for custom polylam and PVC capsules. Production includes wire hoods, tin, polylam and PVS capsules and aluminum extruded capsules.
39 Indian Drive
Ivyland, PA 18974
Phone: (800) 237-4594
Fax: (215) 357-3122
Website: spectrellising.com
E-mail: info@spectrellising.com
New this year: Zonenet knitted side netting with 10-year warranty, half-inch triangular mesh pattern, 24 grams per square meter. Superior warranty.
12360 S. Industrial Drive E.
Plainfield, IL 60585
Phone: (800) 248-8873
Fax: (815) 436-4460
Website: specmeters.com
E-mail: info@specmeters.com
A-Series data loggers replace 100 Series. Many enhancements: greater battery life, increased data storage, new LCD display. FieldScout SoilStik pH meter: waterproof; makes lab-accurate measurements on-the-spot with replaceable robust flat surface electrode; automatic temperature compensation, data hold function. WaterScout soil moisture sensor: little or no disturbance to root zone.
35-14 Crescent St.
Astoria, NY 11106
Phone: (718) 361-0200
Fax: (718) 361-0012
Website: spiritedshipper.com
E-mail: bruce@spiritedshipper.com
Original patented shipping box; our corrugated boxes are stronger, more durable than any other shipping box. UPS and FedEx approved, the Spirited Shipper has kept wine bottles safe for more than 10 years. Extra cushioning with insert for every bottle. Shipped flat, saves money, storage space. Say goodbye to Styrofoam.
3808 N. Sullivan Road, Bldg. 4
Spokane Valley, WA 99216
Phone: (509) 921-8868
Fax: (509) 927-0826
Website: spokanemetalproducts.com/wine
E-mail: kovnicek@spokaneindustries.com
AeroLift small portable wine tanks. Latest offering: Tri-Top wine tank: Simple mechanism easily converts fermenter top into an open, closed top, or variable capacity top. For versatility, any tank can be customized per customer wishes. Website features Wine Tank University: Learn components of wine fermenters. See us at Unified.
1959 N. Peace Haven Road, #173
Winston-Salem, NC 27106
Phone: (866) 208-3285
Fax: (866) 208-3285
Website: staveworldwide.com
E-mail: sales@staveworldwide.com
Ultra premium Culte series barrels from Tonnellerie Baron: blend of choice forests specifically tailored for reds, another blend for whites. OXO Line 2 in curved format can be configured to fit any winery or imagination. New website showcases complete selection of cooperage: 28- to 10,000 liter upright tanks and ovals.
P.O. Box 1693
Sausalito, CA 94966
Phone: (415) 331-7849
Fax: (415) 331-0516
Website: stavin.com
E-mail: info@stavin.com
StaVin oak, seasoned three years, fire-toasted for nostalgic aromas, complex flavors associated with barrels. Barrel Head slightly heated oak product: Blended with StaVin toasted products, adds richer mouthfeel and subtle nuances of high-end barrels. Savour Oak uses long-cycle convection toasting protocol yielding sweet aromatics, viscous mouthfeel to wine.
3601 Regional Parkway
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
Phone: (707) 575-3335
Fax: (707) 575-8723
Website: stevensonsupply.net
E-mail: rstevenson@stevensonsupply.net
Sediment control products from Cal Vista and Ertec: Turf reinforcement mats replace concrete swales, rock-lined ditches, rock (rip-rap) slopes. New sales associate Mia Smith. We work with engineers, developers, contractors, owners to provide best, most cost effective solutions to erosion and sediment control, engineered turf reinforcement mats, geotextile products.
P.O. Box 527
Morgantown, PA 19543
Phone: (800) 843-8731
Fax: (610) 286-6600
Website: limespreaders.com
E-mail: glake@stoltzfusmfg.com
New product line: Redhawk spreaders. Narrow profile lime, compost and nutrient spreader; ground-driven for accuracy. Rust-proof alloy hopper. Press wheel rides between the tires on a walking beam suspension to provide the power to spread lime.
2901 Park Ave., Ste. A2
Soquel, CA 95073
Phone: (831) 477-7797
Fax: (831) 477-7790
Website: sureharvest.com
Fax: bmeister@sureharvest.com
Farming InSight GIS-based decision-support and reporting tool: Visually display farming data on web browser. See water history applied by block; which blocks are stressed; decide water resource allocation according to quality target. Farming MIS database is queried with report requests to display most recent data for scheduling, analyzing, reporting activities.
746 Vertin Ave.
Salinas, CA 93901
Phone: (866) 280-6229
Fax: (831) 422-4201
Website: suttonag.com
E-mail: info@suttonag.com
Electronic Zon Mark 4 propane cannon frightens and disorients pest birds and wildlife with 100-plus decibel sonic blast. EL08 produces 1-, 2-, 3- or 4-blast series; with approximately 5 seconds between blast. Set intervals between 1 and 60 minutes. Electronic timer provides random interval settings. Multiple on/off settings.
7249 County Road A
Quinter, KS 67752
Phone: (800) 864-4595
Fax: (785) 754-3634
Website: swihart-sales.com
E-mail: swiharts@ruraltel.net
Complete line of mist blowers; several 3-point PTO modes as well as a variety of self-contained motor models.
902D Enterprise Way
Napa, CA 94558
Phone: (707) 291-2803
Fax: (707) 254-8951
Website: tapptech.com
E-mail: aobrien@tapptech.com
Impresstik, Sydney, Australia and Lyso, Saxon, Switzerland produced a high quality single frame closure applicator/labeler for the wine industry. Accepts PVC, tin, polylam or screwcap closures; heat-shrink or spin onto bottles. Apply labels from one or two rolls onto wide range of glass sizes and types without change-parts.
222 Mound Ave.
Miamisburg, OH 45342
Phone: (937) 859-4448
Fax: (937) 859-9096
Website: technicote.com
E-mail: atrimble@technicote.com
Please ask for our new wine label product guide for 2010.
5739 Natural Bridge
St Louis, MO 63120
Phone: (314) 381-2828
Fax: (314) 382-7019
Website: titanrack.com
E-mail: komoran@titanrack.com
Standard two-barrel rack now with bright red powder coated finish for high visibility in low-light areas. Destinations east of the Rocky Mountains save freight costs ordering from us. We’ve been solving materials handling and storage problems for more than 30 years. Please give us the opportunity to solve yours.
P.O. Box 2569
Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510
Phone: (914) 941-9146
Website: wendytitteldesign.com
E-mail: info@wendytitteldesign.com
Design and promotion services to the wine industry. Extensive experience in label design, printing, website promotion. E-commerce solution for self-maintained websites. CMS (Content Management System) is easy to learn, reduces overhead; user can manage and update site without feeling tethered to their web designer/programmer. Reduced learning curve; search engine optimization.
8751 E. Hwy. 12
Victor-Lodi, CA 95253
Phone: (530) 344-1121
Fax: (530) 344-8195
Website: toastedoakinc.com
E-mail: pradel@calis.com
Oak alternatives, concentrated liquid oak tannin, customized. Barrel inserts and oak chain inserts, chips for harvest freshly cut untoasted. We have the ability to modify our products to the specific requirement of winemaker.
30 Feeney Drive
Rohnert Park, CA 94928
Phone: (707) 535-9931
Website: magrenan.es
E-mail: craigthornbury@hotmail.com
Quercus Mongolicus sourced from China: staves aged, as are staves from Europe and the United States, on our Rioja curing yard. Private Collection barrels in French and American oak, minimum 40 months open-air curing, tightest grain. Custom-colored hoops and bungs. Revamped website. Ample stave stocks of staves ensure consistent supply.
531 Stone Road
Benicia, CA 94510
Phone: (707) 747-3630
Fax: (707) 746-7471
Website: vinoak.com
E-mail: vou@vinoak.com
In Spain’s Rioja region, Tonelería Quercus is at the forefront of the barrel industry. Patented radiant toasting technique controls every second of each toasting profile for unmatched consistency and toast customization potential.
P.O. Box 659
Napa, CA 94559
Phone: (707) 332-4524
Fax: (707) 224-8734
Website: tonnellerie-de-jarnac-16.com
E-mail: yannickrousseau@sbcglobal.net
We own/operate a stavemill in France: custom-made French oak barrels. Close partnership between production team, winemaker/sales manager Yannick Rousseau and the winemaker, determining best selection of forest, grain, seasoning time and toast level for each program. Our sales manager works exclusively with Tonnellerie de Jarnac barrels.
1001 Seascape Circle
Rodeo, CA 94572
Phone: (510) 799-1518
Fax: (510) 799-1557
Website: garonnaise.com
E-mail: boutesusa@sbcglobal.net
Tonnellerie Boutes purchased this 20-year-old small cooperage near Bordeaux two years ago. Old World craftsmanship without neglecting modernity.?Each cask fashioned as a unique piece, striving for perfection in terms of manufacturing and purity of aromatic profile. Master coopers have in-depth knowledge of wood, respect the rules of French coopering.
P.O. Box 249
Healdsburg, CA 95448
Phone: (707) 508-5006
Fax: (707) 324-6763
Website: leroibarrels.com
E-mail: michael@leroibarrels.com
View our winemaker testimonial video for 2009 on our new website or at facebook.com/wine.barrels. We’ve added American and European oak to our premium French oak barrels: Chardonnay and Pinot Noir in Burgundy-style 228L. Bordeaux export and chateau-style 225L and 238L. Also: 112L, 265L, 300L, 350L, 400L, 500L and 600L styles.
531 Stone Road
Benicia, CA 94510
Phone: (707) 746-5704
Fax: (707) 746-7471
Website: tonnellerieo.com
E-mail: info@tonnelerieo.com
Oak barrels from finest French forests, seasoned 30 months in French stave yard, handcrafted locally by master cooper Jason Butler at our new Benicia cooperage. Chateau Tradition, Bordeaux Export and Burgundy Export barrels; range of toast profiles. Tour our 2,500-square-foot toasting room and oak lab with chemist Dr. Carlos Macku.
P.O. Box 1851
Sonoma, CA 95476
Phone: (707) 935-3452
Fax: (707) 935-3422
Website: tonnelleriequintessence.com
E-mail: contact@tonnelleriequintessence.com
Our stave mill in France renewed PEFC and Bureau Veritas certifications this year, verifying quality plan, full traceability of all our staves from production date to shipment. Traditional French coopering, state-of-the-art technology. Located just outside of Bordeaux, we craft European-style barrels with a commitment to traceability, consistency and customization.
480 Aviation Blvd.
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
Phone: (707) 284-2888
Fax: (707) 284-2894
Website: radouxcooperage.com
E-mail: rx.@radoux-usa.com
French, American and Eastern European oak barrels, tanks, puncheons, chips and insertable staves. Oakscan instant measurement using near infrared spectometry, stave-by-stave, of tannin impact on final wine; Revelation toast for maximum respect red wine fruit. PEFC certification.
793 Broadway
Sonoma, CA 95476
Phone: (707) 935-2176
Fax: (707) 935-4774
E-mail: remondsonoma@aol.com
Two- and three-year air dried, long-toasted French oak barrels from specific forests.
2343 33rd St.
Santa Monica, CA 90405
Phone: (310) 403-8398
Fax: (310) 988-2835
Website: sirugue.com
E-mail: francoise@sirugueusa.com
Please note our new e-mail address, phone and fax numbers, and new website. Sirugue barrels carry more textural elegance and subtlety than many other coopers’. They are known to allow an earlier integration and higher aromatic expression.
21481 Eighth St. E., #1
Sonoma, CA 95476
Phone: (707) 900-0310
Fax: (707) 933-0320
Website: topitoffbottling.com
E-mail: rramos@topitoffbottling.com
New options with optical label positioning: Position labels using side lug; cartouche, screened images, label-over-label, spot labels. An ideal solution for that unique presentation that can set a package apart or to correct a mistake avoiding hours of handwork due to soaking off labels.
P.O. Box 281
Sonoma, CA 95476
Phone: (707) 695-1306
Fax: (707) 940-0313
Website: topnestdesigns.com
E-mail: info@topnestdesigns.com
Wine accessories, gourmet gifts, customizable products to promote wine brands. Corkscrews; marble, ceramic, suede coasters; lead-free logo crystal decanters and glassware. Gifts: hand-painted ceramics, fused glass plates; copper and stainless wine buckets. Appropriate items for multiple business levels: retail sales, wine club and corporate; hospitality and foodservice.
5408 Spain Ave.
Santa Rosa, CA 95409
Phone: (707) 537-7787
Fax: (707) 537-7174
Website: transitionequipment.com
E-mail: vickitec@aol.com
Used equipment for the wine and beverage industry: bottling equipment, presses, pumps, destemmers, tanks, more. Economical solutions through used equipment for wineries across the nation and internationally. Used equipment’s a bargain in this time of economic recovery, and helps wineries maintain their product quality without further cost.
P.O. Box 871298
Vancouver, WA 98687
Phone: (360) 210-5551
Fax: (320) 210-5558
Website: trelliswineconsulting.com
E-mail: dixie@trelliswineconsulting.com
Full service branding, strategy and communications firm for wine businesses. Exceptional value, unique blend of breadth of services and depth of expertise that supports efficient and effective growth and enhanced profitability. Ten years experience guiding more than 50 brands from small, family-owned wineries to large international corporations
7599 Redwood Blvd., Ste. 103
Novato, CA 94945
Phone: (415) 209-9463
Fax: (415) 209-0079
Website: turrentinebrokerage.com
E-mail: jacque@turrentinebrokerage.com
Selling winegrapes from all California regions and wines in bulk from California and around the world. Customized solutions for growers, wineries and investors: 37 years experience; quick response; the industry’s most experienced team of brokers and analysts. More than $1.5 billion in grape and wine transactions in past 10 years.
One Shields Ave.
Davis, CA 95616
Phone: (530) 754-6450
Fax: (530) 754-9553
Website: wineexecutiveprogram.com
E-mail: info@wineexecutiveprogram.com
This partnership between University of California, Davis Graduate School of Management and the Department of Viticulture & Enology returns to the UC Davis campus in 2010. Led by university faculty and expert guest lecturers. Curriculum: Financial management; grapegrowing/wine research; marketing/branding; cost analysis/control; legal issues; best practices for managing winery/vineyard operations.
12026 Centralia Road, Ste. H
Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716
Phone: (562) 924-5150
Fax: (562) 809-3140
Website: unitechscientific.com
E-mail: geoff@unitechscientific.com
Enzymatic reagent kits for sugars, organic acids, phenolics, nutrient status (UniTAB/UniFLEX), multi-level standards, enzymes, more. ChemWell automated and StatFax analyzers for enzymatic testing; Quick Tests; YSI (pH meters, DO), Hanna Instruments (Wine-Line, more), Atago refractometers (PAL-1, others). Three-hour Z-Brett kit; Easy Media for Brett culture, yeast, mold, total bacterial counts.
106 Dodd Court
American Canyon, CA 94591
Phone: (707) 552-2616
Fax: (707) 552-3871
Website: vafiltration.com
E-mail: bryan@vafiltration.com
DETOX secondary treatment system removes ashy characters from smoke tainted wine. Can be used as a primary treatment for low-level smoke taint or second-stage treatment following Nano-based smoke taint removal system. We’re the only company offering sigificant reduction in ashy palate from low-level smoke taint without a membrane treatment system.
1560 Railroad Ave.
St. Helena, CA 94574
Phone: (707) 963-1466
Fax: (707) 963-5027
Website: valleyarchitects.com
E-mail: suzanne@valleyarchitects.com
Upgraded architectural software to better serve our clients. Founded in 1980 by Tom Fahery and Bill Bylund, LEED AP; architectural design services for winery, hospitality and commercial clients for almost 30 years. Always implementing sustainable design at competitive rates.
1801 Santa Clara
Fresno, CA 93721
Phone: (559) 233-0321
Fax: (559) 233-1713
Website: valleypipe.com
E-mail: mitch@valleypipe.com
New, all stainless bin dumper: Standard bulk bins can be loaded by forklift or pallet truck. Adjustable feet; simple push-button controls. As a safety feature, buttons must be held down to operate the machine.
251 Gambee Road
Geneva, NY14456
Phone: (315) 759-2118
Fax: (315) 789-5626
Website: vancemetal.com
E-mail: cjennings@vancemetal.com
Authorized distributor of Vaslin-Bucher presses and reception equipment augmenting our stainless tank business. Full range of equipment for new and existing wineries. Vance’s robust tank design is superior for a lifetime of service allowing generations to maximize the investment over time.
1370 Trancas St., Ste. 1111
Napa, CA 94558
Phone: (707) 254-1111
Fax: (707) 253-8644
Website: venuswrap.com
E-mail: info@venuswrap.com
Venus Wrap transforms wine gifting. Patented all-in-one presentation for one, two and three bottles, guaranteed to exceed all expectations. Elegant, colorful box packages, 100% recyclable. Sells additional wine because it offers an extraordinary opportunity to make an impressive presentation within an acceptable value/price equation.
16 Columbia Drive
Amherst, NH 03031
Phone: (603) 882-6777
Fax: (603) 886-3857
Website: vibrac.com
E-mail: sales@vibrac.com
Torqo II cap test system w/touchscreen. Hands-off torque testing. Eliminate the variability of acceleration in operator influence in manual testing using the motorized Torqo II.
265 Prado Road, Ste. 1
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
Phone: (805) 541-0100
Fax: (805) 541-0123
Website: xpressfill.com
E-mail: judy@xpressfill.com
XpressFill bottle filling machine: Applications include wine, olive oil, lotions, distilled spiits, essential oils, waters, more. We cater to artisan and larger wineries making small batches of wine. Our new facility houses offices and a small production warehouse where we custom-build each machine.
14620 South Hwy. 101
Hopland, CA 95449
Phone: (707) 744-1898
Fax: (707) 744-1138
Website: vinnow.com
E-mail: sales@vinnow.com
PCI credit card certification, DeVineWare Distributor/Account Management integration. Wine Club-only module available. Enhanced reporting. ShipCompliant Gold Certification. Set-up and training included with purchase. Web shopping carts with Kreck Design and VinterActive. SQL Server 2008 local database. Built-in UPS Shipping. Shipping compliance at point-of-sale via direct ShipCompliant.
20311 Western Ave.
Torrance, CA 90501
Phone: (310) 965-0500
Fax: (310) 787-8959
Website: winemummy.com
E-mail: info@vinoamici.com
In addition to the single Wine Mummy, we now sell 2-, 3-, and 5-bottle multi packs. Free logo placement on bags with a minimum order of 500. New West Coast warehouse. Each padded bag protects up to a 750ml bottle. Lightweight, fits in luggage; 17 x 7-inches. Works with a variety of bottle sizes.
531 Stone Road
Benicia, CA 94510
Phone: (707) 746-5704
Fax: (707) 746-7471
Website: vinoak.com
E-mail: vou@vinoak.com
Premium French and American oak products; advanced technical tools, services. Premium stave wood from French and American forests; coopering and toasting in Benicia. Alternatives for tanks and barrels, fire and convection toast profiles. On-premise oak flavor lab for analytical research and testing; sensory testing, GCMS flavor, HPLC phenolics analytic services.
607 Cabot Way
Napa, CA 94559
Phone: (707) 953-7072
Fax: (707) 224-4028
Website: vinotecnapa.com
E-mail: vinotecnapa@aol.com
Superferm, new yeast nutrient for high-risk ferments, joins Superfood, Vinferm, Supervit, and Vitamix. Beverage Supply Group appointed exclusive distributor of entire line. Vinotec Napa is U.S. wine industry distributor for Megazyme enzyme test kits. Microbiology services, training workshops on wine problems and microbe identification explore traditional and newer techniques.
1446 Industrial Ave.
Sebastopol, CA 95472
Phone: (707) 824-7900
Fax: (707) 824-7905
Website: vinovation.com
E-mail: bsmith@vinovation.com
Custom winemaking storage services (grape to bottle) and consulting on product development. We meet your winemaking needs where we provide the greatest value to you. We have more winemaking tools under one roof than any other facility. A veritable one-stop shop. You choose what you need.
7795 Bell Road
Windsor, CA 95492
Phone: (707) 838-6312
Fax: (707) 838-1765
Website: vinquiry.com
E-mail: info@vinquiry.com
Enartis premium winemaking products: yeast, nutrients, finishing tannins, enzymes, fining agents, SO2, more. Vinquiry Collection of Yeast, based on favorites from our collection including Assmanshausen strain and VQ 51, new designation of French Red & #8722; along with newly identified isolates. Yeast for restarting stuck fermentations, Challenge EZ Ferm 44.
9 Lochinvar
Oak Brook, IL 80523
Phone: (630) 388-8435
Fax: (630) 368-8437
Website: winecorker.org
E-mail: corkers@winecorker.org
Only five-in-one wine accessory: Re-corker, pourer, aerator, filter and stopper. Now available in bulk quantities with no consumer packaging. Careful, compact engineering makes it the Swiss Army gadget of wine accessories.
5200 Tennyson Parkway, Ste. 100
Plano, TX 75024
Phone: (800) 766-0600
Website: vitropackaging.com
E-mail: htrujillo@vitro.com
New bottles: 375ml Delgada, 1.5 Liter 1680 RO, W25 Sparkling Wine. Complete package solutions.
6424 S. Quebec St.
Centennial, CO 80111
Phone: (303) 985-0885
Fax: (303) 985-3253
Website: wsi-llc.com
E-mail: ccarlson@wsi-llc.com
Choices for your wastewater treatment and solids management decisions for going green. Big things do come in little packages. We cut out unnecessary third-party engineering to save you hundreds of thousands of dollars. Upfront pricing, no hidden costs.
612 Clarion Court
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
Phone: (805) 544-4011
Fax: (805) 544-4294
Website: wallacegroup.us
E-mail: shannonm@wallacegroup.us
Swanson Advanced Integrated Pond System (AIPS): Integrated, multi-stage biological reactors treat municipal, agricultural or industrial wastewater. Deep, open surface ponds of compacted earth. Biological reactor has three biological zones in a single unit: Deep anaerobic; sludge blanket within deep pit; overlying aerobic zone. Treat high volumes of wastewater.
P.O. Box 262-2311
Rte. 414
Waterloo, NY 13165
Phone: (888) 539-3922
Fax: (315) 539-9380
Website: waterloocontainer.com
E-mail: annette@waterloocontainer.com
New website with Fast From Stock program; free shipping on designated weekly routes. Transition Glass: more styles and colors save our customers money. Alcan products: Stelvin caps, polylams and more. Largest in-stock inventory on the East Coast; 24-hour turn-around time on most orders; one-on-one customer service.
5673 95th Ave. S.E.
Marion, ND 58466
Phone: (800) 437-3392
Fax: (701) 778-7501
Website: weedbadger.com
E-mail: inquiry@weedbadger.com
Model 4400 Weed Badger: joystick-controlled compact weed killer for vineyards from one-half to 10 acres and in the planning or expansion stages. Wide range of models and tools; up-front visibility; easy on/off; self-contained PTO driven hydraulic system; four rotor sizes. Cultivate, mow, cultivator/mower combo models; automatic sensing; override and/or manual control.
107 Walnut Ave.
Mill Valley, CA 94941
Phone: (415) 381-8201
Fax: (415) 381-8201
Website: stephanweirpr.com
E-mail: ameliasw@sbcglobal.net
Boutique PR agency for wine industry and lifestyle products. Each client has a story. Our job: communicate it clearly to the media. Customized outreach and media plan to build press relationships. Perfect mix of traditional media outreach intertwined with the growing role of social media.
100 Corridor Park Drive
Monroe, OH 45050
Phone: (800) 647-1900
Fax: (513) 705-1668
Website: west-chester.net
E-mail: jstevenot@west-chester.net
Expanded PosiGrip glove line: Dipped gloves for industrial/commercial applications. Quality gloves, competitive prices. Nylon or poly/cotton liner, functionality of a dipped glove. Extra grip on wet/oily materials; better surface adhesion on dry applications. Dipped materials: nitrile, polyurethane, latex, bi-polymer blend, 12 new styles. Labeled with size and EN rating.
1621 N. Broadway Ave.
Stockton, CA 95205
Phone: (209) 944-0921
Fax: (209) 944-0934
Website: westernsquare.com
E-mail: info@westernsquare.com
Seismic rack attaches to racks stacked 4, 5 or 6 high; ball bearings dissipate ground movement energy: Entire stack slides. See the shake-table test at westernsquare.com. New shade trailer meets OSHA heat relief requirements; can be towed by ATV, truck, tractor. Call new sales rep Daniel Sanchez, (707) 256-9100.
3324 Swiss Family Drive
Wiederkehr Village, AR 72821
Phone: (479) 468-9463
Fax: (479) 468-4791
Website: wiederkehrwines.com
E-mail: idowine2@aol.com, wiederkehr@centurytel.net
First truly sugar-free sweet, fruit forward, wine: Swiss Family Vineyards trio: Splendid Red, Splendid Rosé and Splendid White. More health-conscious beverages next year. We’re on the cutting edge in Arkansas: TTB has indicated we’re the first winery with an approved formula for sugar-free, low-carb but sweet, fruit forward wine.
P.O. Box 820
Bolton, Ontario L7E 5T5
Phone: (905) 857-1511
Fax: (905) 857-0325
Website: aowilson.ca
E-mail: graham@aowilson.ca
New line of capping machines for 30mmx60mm caps. Now stocking Becopad biodegradable filter sheet: minimum dripping, less color/flavor extracted, more through-put, less water for rinsing, can be backwashed much more. We distribute in Canada only, but see Begerow rep in your area. Large inventory; quickest turn-around.
360 Swift Ave.
South San Francisco, CA 94080
Phone: (800) 231-9463
Fax: (650) 866-3513
Website: wineappreciation.com
E-mail: info@wineappreciation.com
New books: How to Launch Your Wine Career; Wine Marketing and Sales new second edition; Gone With the Wine cartoon book. Wine Pillow wine travel bag, inflatable to carry wine safely in your luggage. Wine Preserva in-the-bottle wine blanket to keep wine fresh. Centillino Italian wine decanter/aerator.
110 W. Napa St.
Sonoma, CA 95476
Phone: (707) 939-0822 x206
Fax: (707) 939-0833
Website: winebusiness.com
E-mail: memberservices@winebusiness.com
Keeping readers up-to-date on latest developments and trends in the global business of making wine; emphasis on best practices and new products as they pertain to winemaking, grapegrowing, marketing, sales, finance and business administration. Product reviews: Choose the right products. Proprietary surveys of winemakers and grapegrowers determine product-usage trends.
141 Irwin St.
San Rafael, CA 94901
Phone: (415) 246-7792
Fax: (415) 453-4749
Website: winemanagementsystems.com/about.htm
E-mail: info@winemanagementsystems.com
Management Software Solution delivered as a service specifically for small wine producers to better manage and track winery operations. Tracks winery activities: vineyard operations; production/bottling, inventory/allocation management; POS/wine club operations. Synchronizes financial information to QuickBooks. First with web-based cloud computing/ SAAS (Software as a Service) for wine industry.
10 Fourth St.
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
Phone: (707) 571-0400
Fax: (707) 576-1320
Website: winepro.com
E-mail: donna@winepro.com
We are offering hiring services at a discount for a limited time only. We also have a new website with video: winepro.com. Our discount, plus 25 years of experience, set us apart from our competitors.
703 Second St., Ste. 445
Santa Rosa, CA 95404
Phone: (707) 777-5829
Website: vinwizard.com
E-mail: bobrichards@winetec.net
VinWizard system for tank temperature control: new modules for more visibility and control through one remotely accessible interface. Air-operated valves eliminate failure-prone electric solenoids. New pump-over module, accessible via menu on standard VinWizard screen. New power-saving features; tank control module. Interface with any aspect of winery operation.
7111 Riverside Drive
Rapidan, VA 22733
Phone: (540) 672-0387
Website: winemakingconsultant.com
E-mail: winemakingconsultant@gmail.com
Same great personable service: Hands-on, technical and analytical while educating the client who desires to be educated. Full range of knowledge to fill any weak area a winery/winemaker may have.
2180 Oak Knoll Ave.
Napa, CA 94558
Phone: (707) 363-7793
Fax: (707) 307-7272
Website: wineoak.com
E-mail: info@wineoak.com
Oak barrel alternatives: 60-plus years combined experience in oak barrel production guide our sourcing. American and French oak: tank inserts and fan systems; barrel inserts—permanent inserts with installation and barrel chains; oak chips—large, small; powder; oak cubes and segments. House Profile line with various toasting methods.
3501 26th Pl. W., Ste. 221
Seattle, WA 98199
Phone: (206) 691-3883
Website: wowpromotion.com
E-mail: bruce@wowpromotion.com
Social media newsrooms on a blog platform for wineries to increase search engine rankings via SEO/SEM. Complete integrated services: marketing communications, advertising, design, sales promotion, merchandising, production, printing; including on- and off-premise promotion, wine tourism, trademarking, copywriting, marketing, promotion, publicity and PR; POS sourcing, special events, mobile/Internet, collateral.
1800 Lincoln Ave.
San Rafael, CA 94901
Phone: (415) 453-9700
Fax: (415) 453-2517
Website: winesandvines.com
E-mail: info@winesandvines.com
New Online Marketing System: Reach North American wineries by name, region, state, zip, production volume, bonded/virtual status, more. OMS enables mail, phone, email or in-person contacts. Save searches for later use, easily run reports, export in Excel, print mailing labels. Visit winesandvines.com/oms to view a product video or request a free demo.
630 10th St.
Paso Robles, CA 93446
Phone: (805) 227-0202
Fax: (805) 237-8881
Website: winewaresoftware.com
E-mail: info@winewaresoftware.com
New touchscreen POS system versions (SmartPOS version 12); new versions of wine club software (SmartClub version 7.2) fully integrated with QuickBooks and compliance software packages including ShipCompliant and Compli. All software components PCI-DSS compliant. Restaurant module can be integrated with retail stations. Gift and loyalty (member) cards embedded and customizable.
1 Stone Ridge Road
Santa Fe, NM 87505
Phone: (888) 236-0058
Fax: (888) 236-1439
Website: services.wineweb.com
E-mail: sales@wineweb.com
New features for winery website, e-commerce, POS services: Social media functions integrated into winery websites. Visitors can join winery’s social media sites, easily post comments to their own social media sites for more viral marketing. Co-branding direct-to-trade accounts and consumer accounts for easy interaction with multiple wineries across WineWeb marketplace.
P. O. Box 220
Hollister, CA 95024
Phone: (831) 637-9241
Fax: (831) 630-0286
Website: winnins.com
E-mail: info@winnins.com
Dynamic industry leader providing complete insurance solutions through innovation, strategic partnerships, friendly service. Solid reputation for dedication to quality service and an ability to deliver superior products to our clients. Our expertise spans all aspects of insurance, risk management, claims management and risk control.
3499 Brookside Road, Ste. F262
Stockton, CA 95219
Phone: (209) 474-9400
Fax: (888) 281-7763
Website: wirthbusinesscredit.com/bayarea
E-mail: jcarlson@withbusinesscredit.com
Check out our new online application: short, easy, instant way to submit a request for funding. Click Apply Online on our website. We fund new leases every day. Others have restricted their lending practices: Not us. We fund new and used equipment; terms for start-ups and existing vineyards, wineries.
9 Marchant Court
Kensington, CA 94707
Phone: (510) 527-4313
Fax: (510) 559-8268
E-mail: stan@words-on-wine.com
Expert copywriting and consulting services to wineries throughout the U.S. Specialists in concise, compelling copy for newsletters, brochures, websites, print and broadcast advertising, sales and media materials, POS, wine labels, product information sheets. Brand identity, positioning, messaging consultation. Proprietor Stan Hock has 30 years of wine business experience.
2557 Napa Valley Corporate Drive, Ste. D
Napa, CA 94558
Phone: (707) 255-5900
Fax: (707) 255-5952
Website: worldcooperage.com
E-mail: info@worldcooperage.com
Find the perfect barrel profile for your program through our interactive barrel profiler. Explore profiles suited to your varietal and desired wood source online to find flavors that best fit. Barrel profiling technology allows for repeatable barrel flavor profiles barrel-to-barrel and vintage-to-vintage, best pairing between wine and barrel.
P.O. Box 1069
Thomasville, NC 27361
Phone: (800) 678-9019
Fax: (336) 472-8496
Website: wrightlabels.com
E-mail: carol@wrightlabels.com
Wine label designers and printers: Design services for tight budgets; economical printing suggestions. Figital and Flexo presses; wet strength stocks exclusively for wine industry. Hot stamp foils, embossing, die-cutting. Private labels, small runs, quick turn around. Friendly and efficient customer service and staff. TTB-approved labels can ship within 10 days.
5803 Skylane Blvd., #C
Windsor, CA 95492
Phone: (707) 836-9742
Fax: (707) 836-9759
Website: xtraoak.com?E-mail: sales@xtraoak.com
New website: Order on line, calculate addition rate, check for new aromas and products, or just learn how XtraOak can benefit your wine. Now stocking chips and granular oak products in Sonoma, ready for shipment. These products are offered in both French and American, in plain, medium or medium-plus toasts.
1725 Brannum Lane
Yellow Springs, OH 45387
Phone: (800) 897-4151
Fax: (937) 767-9353
Website: ysi.com
E-mail: environmental@ysi.com
New ProODO optical dissolved oxygen handheld instrument. No membranes to change, not susceptible to electrode fouling in harsh environments; rugged, simple to use with built-in detailed Help function. Free Data Manager desktop software and cable management kit. The 2,000 data set memory has a site and file structure.
P.O. Box 818
Oakland, CA 94604
Phone: 510-536-2100
Fax: 510-635-6193
Website: yandell-scw.com
E-mail: john@yandelltruckaway.com
Yandell Truckaway Inc. is applying to be part of the EPA Smartway program in an effort to minimize their carbon footprint and participate in the sustainability efforts of the wine industry.
345 Epley Drive
Yuba City, CA 95991
Phone: (530) 673-4554
Fax: (530) 673-6871
Website: ycsteel.com
E-mail: jgalindo@ycsteel.com
In-house engineering staff with 35 years of experience and available to help your design needs. Check out our website to see what we are building this year. We are an ASME-code vessel shop and we can handle all your custom tank needs.
Incorrect street addresses were listed for Newpak USA, Rivercap USA, Tonelería Quercus, Tonnellerie Ô and Vinoak USA in our November Suppliers Guide. The correct address for all is 531 Stone Road, Benicia, CA 94510.
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