Vineyard View
Revisiting the Future of Cooperative Extension
In the August 2013 issue of Wines & Vines I penned the column “The Future of Farm Extension” and reported that the University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources (UC ANR) had lost 22% of its farm advisors and specialists (86 people) between 2009 and 2012. I expressed concern that due to severe budget cuts during the previous 10 years, it had been challenging for UC ANR to fill these vacant positions. At the time I wrote the column, UC ANR had about 189 farm advisors and 115 specialists. To make up for this significant loss, the department was in the process of hiring more than 25 staffers to fill the vacancies. This spring, Wines & Vines asked me to follow up on these recruitment efforts and provide an update about the status of these critical positions. To learn more, I interviewed Dr. Bill Frost, associate vice president of UC ANR.