Juclas USA is the US branch of The VASONGROUP, Italy’s leading supplier of ingredients and equipment for the wine industry. Our mission is to share the expertise accumulated over 50+ years, providing winemakers the most innovative solutions available

Terry Dewane

Sales Director

Logan Fleming

Technical Sales Manager


Enologica Vason, Juclas


Today the VASONGroup can be considered leader in its sector as many of its process-control techniques have already become standard use in wineries. Two of the most notable examples are the clarification by the means of flotation, which was first adapted and performed by the VASONGroup in 1992 and the tartaric stabilization of wines by means of ionic separation on membranes; the electrodialysis technique. In 2015 the VASONGroup incorporated a subsidiary by the name of JUCLAS USA, located in Napa California offering the same unparalleled adjuvants and equipment it has for its customers worldwide

Location Address

902 Enterprise Way, Ste M
Napa, CA 94558

Mailing Address

902 Enterprise Way, Ste M
Napa, CA 94558