Spec Sheets & Product Brochures
Bucher Presses, Cazaux Pumps, CiTF ALIEN Optical Robotic Sorting, Costral Bottling, Delta Reception, Flavy Crossflow, Lamtohe Abiet WinemakingProducts, Sutter Presses
Bucher Vaslin North America continues to carry a full line of winery equipment including its traditional line of Bucher and Sutter Presses along with its Bucher Vaslin sorting and destemming equipment, Costral bottling lines, Cazaux pumps and the new ALIEN Robotic Optical Sorter. Customers can continue to rely on a fully accessible service department for all equipment and warehouse parts represented throughout North America. We have recently extended our offerings to include world renowned oenological products from Lamothe Abiet.Please call for more information 707-823-2883.