California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) (916) 900-5161 Pierce's disease. Glassy winged sharp shooter. Location Address 1220 N Street Sacramento, CA 95814 Mailing Address 1220 N Street Sacramento, CA 95814 Articles on California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) The Messy World of Defining "Regenerative" The 50,000 Acre Dilemma: California's Grape Growers and the State's Biggest Wineries Grapple with Overages Secrets of the Soil: Can a New Regenerative Viticulture Study Reveal How Cultural Practices Affect Soil Microbial Behavior? CDFA Regulatory Alignment Study Proposes to Streamline Reporting/Paperwork for Farmers, Wineries Unified Wine Grape Symposium Keynote Speaker Karen Ross, CDFA Secretary, Unites Present and Past; Recalls Learning to Say "It's a Great Vintage, No Matter What" CDFA Holds Hearing on Petition to Change CA Grape Crush District Boundaries New Economic Study Funded on Costs of Pierce's Disease in California The California Race to Stop the Invasion of the Dreaded Spotted Lanternfly PD/GWSS Winegrape Assessment Unchanged $2.7 Million Approved for Vineyard Pest and Disease Research California Unveils Bold Plan to Sustainably Manage Pests and Eliminate High-Risk Pesticides By 2050 NAS Funded to Review Grapevine Virus Research Needs PD/GWSS Board Recommends $1.25 Assessment Rate for 2022 Harvest California PD/GWSS Board Recommends 2022-23 Research Funding Products & Services Associations & Education Education Update Profile