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Feature Article from the March 2017 Magazine Issue

Product News: Latest offerings and announcements

by Andrew Adams

‘Smart Press’ now available in United States
Pera-Pellenc is now offering its Smart Press in the United States. The pneumatic presses offer a range of capacities from 20 hl to 150 hl and feature a touchscreen control panel that provides operators with a choice of using preprogrammed press cycles or custom press routines, both of which can be modified while the press is operating. The presses also feature “fast press” drainage grids and a coil that gathers pomace toward the press doors to make emptying quicker and easier, reducing time between press jobs. In addition to a closed press pan, the press also is equipped with inlets for both nitrogen and sulfur dioxide to further protect the juice from oxidation.

Improved spider mite pesticide
Vegalab US released an improved version of its Spider Mite Control that offers a dilution rate of 1:500 to 1:1,000 (depending on the level of infestation), which the supplier reports is five times more than the original concentration. The pesticide is a liquid formula that is applied as a foliar spray, and Vegalab claims it leaves no residue.

Compact, diesel-powered tractors
Yanmar is now offering its YT2 line of compact, diesel tractors in North America. The YT235 tractor features a hydrostatic transmission, three speed ranges controlled by a left-hand shift lever, side-by-side control pedals and an LCD-monitor control screen in the cab. The tractor is powered with a 35 horsepower, three-cylinder, liquid-cooled diesel engine.

Cold-soak yeast
Lallemand introduced IFV Gaia, a yeast selected by L’Institut Francais de la Vigne in Burgundy, France, from more than 500 non-Saccharomyces isolates. When used during cold soak, the yeast limits the growth of Kloeckera apiculate, which can produce acetic acid and ethyl acetate. The strain is non-fermentative but, according to the supplier, does help enhance fruity characteristics, making it well suited for Pinot Noir.

Smaller steel barrels
Paul Mueller Co. added 31-gallon stainless steel wine barrels to its product lineup. The supplier reports the new barrel is the result of customers seeking a smaller steel barrel for use during wine clarification, filtration and other winemaking processes.

Tool to control spoilage bacteria
Scott Laboratories is offering a new product from Lallemand to control spoilage bacteria in wine. Bactiless is described as “a 100% natural, non-allergenic form of chitin-glucan from a non-GMO strain of Aspergillus niger,” which has been designed to control bacterial populations in wine after fermentation. The product lowers viable acetic acid and lactic acid and also can be used to stabilize wines post-malolactic fermentation or inhibit ML. The suppliers recommend a minimum contact time of 10 days and a post-treatment racking. Lallemand received an innovation award at the recent German wine industry trade show Intervitis Interfructa Hortitechnica for the Bactiless product.,

Next-generation weather station
Onset calls its HOBO RX3000 the “next-generation remote data logging station that provides instant access to site-specific environmental data anywhere, anytime via the internet.” The station can support up to 15 channels of sensors that the supplier reports do not need to be programmed to collect rainfall, wind speed, soil moisture and other key data.

Products for making sparkling wine
Enartis USA unveiled the Perlage range of products specifically for use in the production of sparkling wine. The Perlage line includes yeasts and other products for every step of the sparkling wine production process. The supplier also offers analytic services such as a riddling agent swelling test and foaming capacity analysis specific to sparkling wine.

Tannin blend for quick adjustments
Oenofrance introduced Noquercus, which is a blend of tannins and inactivated yeast for use during fermentation to quickly and easily make adjustments to wine volume, body and aromatics. The supplier reports the active ingredients in the Noquercus line of products are more rapidly available than oak adjuncts and provide beneficial impacts quicker in the winemaking process.

‘Almost tin’ capsules
Maverick Enterprises added the Almost Tin Premium (or ATP) capsule to its product line. The supplier claims the ATP capsule offers the same high-quality spin down, does well over large transfer beads and can accommodate the same art options but at a “fraction of the cost.”

Wearable carbon dioxide monitor
CO2Meter introduced the SAN-0001 Personal CO2 Monitor, which the company designed specifically for wine, beer and other fermentation industries. The monitor is small enough to fit on a lapel or in a shirt pocket, and if the device detects high levels of carbon dioxide, it will alert the user to seek fresh air with a combination of flashing lights and audible and vibrating alarms. The device employs non-disper sive infrared (NDIR) sensing technology, and the supplier claims it can operate for 48 hours on one charge. Data logging software is also included with the monitor.

Turbidity sensors for beverage applications
Krohne introduced its Turbidity System line of four sensors for measuring the absorption and turbidity in fluids in the food and beverage industries. According to the supplier, the products feature a 180° see-through, near-infrared radiation (NIR) sensor to enable measuring absorption or turbidity in fluids in the near-infrared range (880 nm wavelength). The sensors feature a compact, hygienic design with integrated electronics and parameterization display and come with accessories and a programming interface for parameterization using a PC.

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