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Feature Article from the January 2017 Magazine Issue

North America Winery Count Is Now 9,872

California grows to 4,202 wineries; Texas leads in growth rate

by Wines & Vines staff
wine grape wines vines analytics directory buyer’s guide winery count u.s. canada
Contact information for thousands of North American wineries is among the valuable information in the 2017 Directory & Buyer’s Guide.
San Rafael, Calif.—North American wineries grew in number to 9,872 as 2017 began, an increase of 5% from a year ago, according to data compiled for the new 2017 Directory & Buyer’s Guide from Wines & Vines magazine. U.S. wineries totaled 9,091; the Canadian total was 692, and the Mexico count was 89.

California remained dominant among the 50 states with 4,202 wineries, or 46% of U.S. wineries, followed by Washington with 747 wineries and Oregon a close third with 713. British Columbia led Canadian provinces with 309 wineries followed by Ontario with 236.

The growth rate of wineries during 2016 was a fraction of a percent slower than the previous year but matched the 5% growth in revenue for consumer purchases of U.S.-produced or bottled wines that continued to outpace the U.S. economy.

Wines & Vines counts both bonded wineries that have brick-and-mortar facilities of their own and virtual wineries that use others’ premises to produce their brands. The data is collected through proprietary research aided by communication with wineries every year.

Wines Vines Analytics, the magazine’s market-research team, segments U.S. wineries by their size.  The number of large wineries (producing more than 500,000 cases annually) remained steady at 65.  This concentrated segment of large wineries produces more than 81% of domestic wine.  The medium category increased slightly to 261 wineries, producing about 10% of domestic wine.  Ninety-four percent of U.S. wineries are small or very limited production, producing fewer than 50,000 cases a year each.

California gained the most net wineries (148) after subtracting the number of those that went out of business from the number that opened.

Texas gained the second-highest number of net wineries and had by far the largest percentage gain in winery count, increasing by 59 wineries, or 26%. It was the only major winery state to grow by double digits. This bumped Texas up to No. 5 among the top 10 states, moving Virginia down to No. 6. Texas now has 287 bonded and virtual wineries.

Ohio had the second-highest growth rate in the top 10 and added 13 wineries for a total of 194. Every state in the union has working wineries, though Alaska, Hawaii and Mississippi have only four each.

Bonded U.S. wineries grew to 7,367, while virtual wineries (those that produce their wine at host facilities) increased to 1,724.

Winery counts and listings are just two sections among 17 included in the Directory & Buyer’s Guide.

The numbers were released in advance of the wine industry’s biggest annual gathering this week in Sacramento, the Unified Wine & Grape Symposium.

The 2017 edition comes in a spiral-bound print format and is also accessible in searchable format online. Both are included for one price.

The extensive listings of contacts and offerings within the Directory & Buyer’s Guide include:
• Wineries
• Winery and brand cross-reference
• Custom crush and winery cross-reference
• Wine grape growers
• Grower and winery cross-reference
• Direct-shipping regulations
• Distributors linked to wineries and brands
• Trade/grower/winery associations
• Wine writers
• New-generation websites
• Wine competitions
• Wine industry PR firms
• U.S. grape crop authorities
• University programs in viticulture and enology
• Government offices and alcohol control boards
• Viticultural areas of North America
• Suppliers serving wineries, and vineyards

Wines & Vines’ 2017 Directory & Buyer’s Guide is available for $95 through the magazine’s website,

For more information, contact publisher Chet Klingensmith at or (415) 453-9700, or editor Jim Gordon at or (415) 453-9700.

Wines & Vines is based at 65 Mitchell Blvd., Suite A, San Rafael, CA 94903.

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